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My last chance


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So I already have 8 points on my license from 3 speeding tickets and 1 from running a stop sign. I just got pulled over the other day for taking a turn too wide. The violation is called turns at an intersection. 4 of the tickets have been within the last 12 months so i have to appear in court. I am going to contest the ticket and have gotten a family friend that is a lawyer to help me. Living in Upper Arlington how bad will this turn out?
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wow.... 3 speeding tickets in 12 months.. mabey they should take your license. are you young? best of luck to you. but mabey you need to take the bus for a while, to get into perspective on how you can actually get places safe fine an not breaking the law.
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Obviously its not that big of a deal to you or you would have decided that you would stop breaking the law two tickets ago. If you did something to deserve each one then why fight it? You made the bed you lay in it. Just my opinion.


X2, I went through a tough spot when I was 18-19 years old, and was 2 points away from loosing my license but I never tried to argue it. I just took ownership of my actions (even though a few were really stupid 71 in a 65... Come on now). Now I only have 1 ticket on my record that will fall off in August then I’m clean. If you want to drive like a wild man, be prepared to pay the price!

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I took my punishment for the other ones and I've have slowed down and watch my driving now. While going to my friends house i accidentally passed his street and turned down the street after his to circle around. When i turned down the second street a cop was going the other direction and told me to pull over so i did. He said he could have given me reckless operation but gave me "turns at an intersection." I didn't loose control or endanger anybody including myself
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