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Cro Cop gives UFC the finger


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That highlight video has some nasty blows in it. Definately a mean s.o.b.


He was also a member of the special police force and a government official. I was trying to find the vid that shows him in a suit running some meeting and then followed by him shooting automatic weapons.


I wanted to see him make a run for the title it would have really been wild. Maybe we will see a rematch between Cro Cop and Fedor..

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Who cares he sucked dick in UFC


+1. he fuckin sucked in the ufc. his last fight over the weekend he got a cheap ass win by "accidently" poking some dudes eye w/ his hand and then when the guy has both of his hands up over his face b/c he cant see out his eyes and starts walking away and crocop decides to throw shots at him until the ref stopped it (I watched the fight) He looked like a chump for that shit. Now he's going to Japans "dream" fighting federation. lol hope he stays there.



Oh, and Fedor would MURDER crocop. And i'm not a fedor nutswinger, i'm just being realistic. I want to see Fedor fight Machida but that would never happen b/c they're in 2 dif. weightclasses.

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I want to see Fedor fight Machida but that would never happen b/c they're in 2 dif. weightclasses.


Machida said he wants to fight brock at somepoint so I really don't think he would have a problem with fighting Fedor. Yes Fedor and Machida would be an epic fight.

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Fedor and Cro Cop already did fight and went the distance in PRIDE.


I know they fought before. But i'm talking about if they fought NOW. CroCop then is not the same crocop you see now. I def. liked him back in the day but it seems he's just not the same person nowadays.

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I know they fought before. But i'm talking about if they fought NOW. CroCop then is not the same crocop you see now. I def. liked him back in the day but it seems he's just not the same person nowadays.


Well one of the big reasons he did not look the same in the UFC was his knee injury and he had never done any fighting in the cage. That makes a huge difference as far as style goes when you step into the cage.

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Dude is ill!



who sings that song?..


Oh he is like a real life version of the russian from the rocky movies. I have no idea who does that song. There is one of his vids that has hard core russian rap over it some good stuff.

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CroCop is one of my favorite fighters, he was "tamed" by the UFC rules, compared to the damn near rule-free Japanese fighting leagues, and as already mentioned his lack of cage experience and leg injury.


his fight this past weekend was not that bad, he did accidentally poke his eye, but you could see he was already overwhelming Al-Turk


i will say though in his 2 losses he got KTFO!

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CroCop is one of my favorite fighters, he was "tamed" by the UFC rules, compared to the damn near rule-free Japanese fighting leagues, and as already mentioned his lack of cage experience and leg injury...


This is how I feel about Wanderlei and a couple other Pride fighters.

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