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Ticket help?


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88 in a 65. Got out of it. Here is the story:


Beautiful day, heading up 23 to BG in the R just hauling ass. 90+ pretty much the whole way. I run into traffic in both lanes, have to slow down to ~80. Look in the RVM, sherriff. Fuck. I pull over to the right lane, he follows and turns on the red and blue. I pull over. He asks me 'did you see me back there in Wyandott county' I say no he said 'yea you were busy weaving in and out of traffic, it took me 15 minutes to catch up to you'. I apologize, he comes back with the ticket and tells me hes only writing me up for 83. I guess he clocked me at first at 88, but it didn't lock in. So he caught back up to me, and when he was behind me he 'paced' me at 83.


How I got out of ticket. ORC code checked. No adverse conditions checked. Clear. Daytime. No traffic. Rural area. Took it to court. Cop showed. Told the judge I was not driving unsafe for conditions, proof being the ticket with no adverse conditions checked. Also, the cop did not fill out the back of the ticket at all with the waver info, just wrote $120 at the bottom, didn't even have an address on where to pay, or to show up to court. Address was wrong, date was wrong, basically the ticket itself was fucked. The judge must've liked my plea and response and cut me absolutely free.

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fight it. don't understand how this guy can 'pace' you at 100mph---that would mean that he would have to get up behind you and be going somewhere near 100mph to guestimate that you were going that speed. you would have slowed down as soon as you saw him--common sense. was he on the side of the road?? you know how long it would take the average crown vic to get up to 100mph??


i've received a ticket in the past being 'paced' at 75+mph in a 55mph zone. it was rush hour traffic in the morning, and i didn't see the cop enter the freeway, and pull up behind me to pace me--but he did. i was going 80mph at least. i lawyered up, and got it downgraded to a muffler violation. lawyer cost me $200ish. ironically enough, my muffler broke the following month--wtf?

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Again you're lucky no wreckless was written. I'd argue the aspect of how fast...but admit guilt on speeding and see if they'll settle for a lesser speeding penalty. Like 84 or something right under 20mph over.


I write code that rates insurance quote / policies..we know how far over the limit you were and in some cases it makes a difference.



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Do yourself a favor and go get a good lawyer to help you. If he cant beat the case he can get it reduced to a lesser charge.



You need a lawyer it will be worth it...


This is correct. Your Lawyer can go in the courtroom and talk to the prosecutor and they actually listen to what he/she has to say. When you as a defendant talk to them all they hear is blah blah blah.

Asking for the video is a good idea, but then again that is something easier accomplished by an attorney. However, I would be more inclined to pay the ticket since the officer was nice enough to only write you up for speed.

Oh, and don't forget, the judge is a factor in this too. No matter what kind of deal you make the judge has to be ok with it.

Good luck!

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