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Sound level of various calibers


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Hey all-


Was looking at .22LR with stinger ammo with option to shoot subsonics and shorts.


I was wondering how much louder a .22 WMR or .17 HMR would sound in comparison to the .22lr for more variety of varmint control and better knock down. Are .22 WMR and .17 HMR rounds available in subsonic? I could not find them on cheaper than dirt but I am new to this. I did find a chart of centerfire cartridge decibels and they all looked about the same around 156-160 db depending on barrel length and caliber. I know decibels are a log scale though so a small difference is actually a lot.




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For what it's worth, I think the .17hmr is one of the greatest rounds ever invented, and absolutely LOVE mine.



completly agree my savage 93 in .17hmr is one of my favorite fuck the noise and just get one :bangbang:




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that's funny ;-) See you there- I hope it doesn't rain! I plan to use it to take care of groundhogs, coyotes, racoon, and skunk at my dad's farm.


Austin do you also have a savage 93 .17?





Edited by hpfiend
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