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Cell phone


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Ok i want a new cell phone. I am switching to AT&T, and i do not want an iphone ( due to the extra plans you HAVE to have) so i am wondering what else you guys like or dont like.



Here are my needs 700 min shared, Unlimited texting, and wouldnt mind data but no needed and NAV would be cool



Now I have looked at the Propel pro and the incite (touchscreen is cool but not needed)


but what esle would i like (i have the RANT now but dont want the slide open thingy anymore, at least like this phone)



another thing i like the idea of a smart phone but dont use e-mail all that much or word or other programs so i dont know if i would use the phone like it should be making it a waste.


I guess im lost so anyhelp would be appreciated


Oh and im going to AT&T due to i get a 17% monthy discount and an upfront 30% equipment discount


im trying to stay at or below 100 per month for two lines

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My wife and I pay $109 a month for two iPhone sharing 900 a month unlimted att to att and unlimited text. Not sure why people claim the high cost for the phone.



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do you have a discount on your plan???



i have been told that you have to pay 30 for the data/text plan plus 30 just for having an iphone?? with two phones thats 90 bucks just to text and web??? PLEASE school me



i will go fri and get two Iphones if i can stay at like 110 a month

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Yes, we get a discount. You're talking a few dollars a month from what I get verses what you'd receive. You do have to get the data plan, but it's added to the plan in a way it's not that much more than typical plans.





Here is my plan. Notice we have the 700 split plan, but below you see they give us 200 bonus mins a month FOR FREE, which gives us 900 a month to split. Plus we have like 3000 rollover mins, so we are golden.



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oh and anyone know if i can still get out of my sprint contract do to the change in terms without notice??????????????

You missed the boat on that one. :)That loophole closed back in Febuary. Maybe it's worth a shot. The worse they will tell you is no. The magical words back in Febuary were "materially adverse change."

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ugh i pay around 100 a month for just my iphone and its 450 mins, data, unlimited text... i need a discount



Damn that sucks!!



The magical words back in Febuary were "materially adverse change."



You live to piss me off...don't you!!

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I pay $130 a month with Verizon for 2 blackberries and unlimited text and picture mail 700 shared minutes. That is with a discount through work. But everyone I talk to plus a lot of people the wife talk to have verizon so talking to any of them any time doesn't eat minutes.
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