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Considering the military, Army or Air force?

Guest fist302

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air force you can always switch later if you want


they wont take me i told them put me in an F-16 or i'm walking ... i walked .. all the way to the AFB and stole a blackbird bitches buahahah unfortunitely i didn'y have a tanker waiting so all the fuel leaked out before i could go anywhere but i did manage to get in one pull up to 2000MPH ... yea it was a long gear :)

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where are you getting this crap from?


beside pay (which i wont argue)...housing, medical and food is free leaving more in your pocket and the benefits are not bad...without a masters here anymore you are stuck in the same spot as a civilian but with the above not paid for...

I loved the military while I was in and if someone wants to do it thats great, but everyone blows it out to be this and that, if he is only going in for school and a paycheck he is better off going to school as a civilian.

Yes i agree the housing , medical and food are a plus but thats it, if he is single they he gets to bunk it . On base you ever see the housing waiting list ? you think everyone gets housing? thats false. Depending on were you live an what % of BAQ you get for offbase living.


E-1<4 mon 1203.90 this is E1 and under 4 months 1200 bucks you can make more then this at burger king and mcdonalds

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I am currently in the AF, have been for 3.5 years. I love it. As for being a mechanic... I would not know from hands on but from wht I have heard it is annoying. It isnt go and rip it apart. It is get out a fucking book and "Turn bolt one, 3/4 turn then move to bolt two, turn 3/4 turn then... ect" It isnt you have to follow exact directions.


Break down of the branches


Army- Life Sucks, go-go-go all the time... lots of fucking retards

Marines- "hell ya I am a fucking Marine... get some..." life still can suck

Navy- ehhh it sucks but I am safe


Air Force- Safe, good "Team" spirit, deployments are basicly vacations...


But money should not be an option in choosing... there is no difference... a e-3 in the Army makes the exact same as a Navy e-3...


I can talk to you more abut this if you want... PM any questions or call me


He nailed it. I hate the army, not everyone does but I do. Air Force is the way to go.

In my case I have been in the army 3 years and my body is breaking. However my father did 29 years in the airforce with min body breaking problems.

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How does housing work if you are in the military? If I were to join I'd have to have an apartment or something since I have a 2 year old. Does the military have on-base paid child care or anything like that?
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How does housing work if you are in the military? If I were to join I'd have to have an apartment or something since I have a 2 year old. Does the military have on-base paid child care or anything like that?


YES they have child care on every base, but im not sure how single parents work, I am not sure if they give base housing to single parents or just give you BAQ for off base housing. I do know my friend tryed to go back in after having a kid and they denied him coming back because he was a single parent. But I do not know all the small stuff.

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I'm not reading all of this, so excuse me if I miss a detail that was discussed.


I offer this. I'm at Rickenbacker and vehicals/trucks is my world. I can get you in a shop for a day and you can see what you like, or you can be on the trucks with me all day and see if you like that. I teach the MOS course for military vehicals. With that comes some working on them. However, I hardly ever have to work on trucks. Although we just replaced a 25 lbs altinater.


PMing me is the best way to reach me if interested.


BTW, recuiting is very picky right now. Some areas are even closed off. You almost have to be bionic to get into some of the easy jobs. And your score better rock. They are taking the best of the best these days. It's not just qualifying. My buddy was told he could only enlist one person per month.

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I'm not reading all of this, so excuse me if I miss a detail that was discussed.


I offer this. I'm at Rickenbacker and vehicals/trucks is my world. I can get you in a shop for a day and you can see what you like, or you can be on the trucks with me all day and see if you like that. I teach the MOS course for military vehicals. With that comes some working on them. However, I hardly ever have to work on trucks. Although we just replaced a 25 lbs altinater.


PMing me is the best way to reach me if interested.


BTW, recuiting is very picky right now. Some areas are even closed off. You almost have to be bionic to get into some of the easy jobs. And your score better rock. They are taking the best of the best these days. It's not just qualifying. My buddy was told he could only enlist one person per month.


My friend recruits in springfield for the marines and they will not even mess with anyone with a prior record right now, so many people are trying to get in for a job that they can be picky now.

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I am at White Sands missle range right now getting ready for Afghanistan. Honestly the only people that need to join right now are ones that are here to serve the country. Every branch has the same goal. Army and Marines will deploy 12-15 months at a time while air force has their "vacations". Either way you are a better person for just thinking about joining.
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I wouldn't call the AEF cycles "vacations," more like sanity. Nothing good comes from being deployed for 15 months.

And quit saying BAQ, you other branches have the worst acronyms.

With BAH they give you a set amount and you rent or buy whatever you want. Its more if you have dependents. Thats what I have to do at Vance because they have a 100lb weight limits on dogs (Yet you can have 2 100lbs dogs, explain that to me) so I'm buying a house.

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So considering this...http://images.military.com//ContenFiles/2009-bah-with-dependents.pdf, basically if I were stationed in Columbus, OH as an E-1 they would give me an extra 900 a month for housing? Or am I looking at it wrong?
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If you have any military experience under your belt you can do just about whatever you want when you get out. My brother went into the air force and wound up being a mp (military police) All he did was gaurd the base at night. He got out and became a campus cop, then went on to be highway patrol, then used the highway patrol to go to school and get his masters in computer program engineer. Options are endless if you have that military background on your resume.
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Guest fist302

Well thank you all very much for your help and insight.


Im going to talk to a Air Force recruiter hopefully today and i will let you know how that goes. I have a feeling i am going to have trouble getting in so i will also be doing more research into other branches. I do feel like the military is right for me and im excited about the future.

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I'm currently in the Army, you may want to take in to account that the funding per each branch is different. There is super pride with being in the Marine Corps I get it but there lack of funding and the equipment they use is shit. And those who argue with me about this can eat a dick. I'm not saying anyone branch is better than the other but if you want nice shit and want to work on nice shit (based upon what you said you want to do, Mech.) than I would suggest either AF or Army. Both have the highest funding per the governments wonderful budget.


I have been in for 2.5 years so I can tell you that you will meet and make the best friends of your life. You will travel alot and have fun. You can't say one branch is better than the other in any case. They ALL have there stupid asses and they all have there pluses. I joined the Army because it was best for me. You can't join something based off someone elses opinion. Make sure to do your research, talk to someone prior to signing your papers just so those with experience can make sure you aren't getting fucked by your recruiter.


Best of all, enjoy yourself the next (xx) years of your life will be awesome.

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Will, I don't kow you, but you sound like you are thinking things over and looking into them well. Like Dover said, with the Marines you will make the best friends of your life and do more with less. Army is where I am now and there are some damn good people here. And there are some complete fucking idots that think they are hardcore. I work with the Air Force guys from time to time and they have a steady calm and knowledge of their work.

Take your time with your decision and prepping to come in. Good luck.

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