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Help... MP3's skipping?


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So just yesterday all my Mp3's that I normally play in Windows Media Player have been skipping like a scratched CD. WTF!? They never did that before. I downloaded Real Player too just to see if they would skip there too and they do. I don't think its the file becasue they've never done it before so what could it be? I tried to google an answer, but nothing has work so far. Sorry, I'm not a computer guy so any help would be great, thanks!
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How is your processor load, and your HDD activity?

On my laptop my MP3s will start skipping if something is hogging my hard drive.


That's what I was gonna say. If your processor is working to hard it'll skip like that. Make sure you don't have any programs running that aren't normally running.

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Sounds like a memory issue..


reboot, its a (lack of) memory problem



Yep, that solved it! I moved all my downloads off my PC and into my Drop Box now no more skipping! Thansk :thumbup:








Blow on the...... i got nothing


:lol: Nice try.

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