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What do you guys do when someone like me has pissed on the TP? I love to do that, I can only imagine how pissed you guys get. Especially when it's dried and just has that yellow tint to it, ever noticed that?


I don't use TP. Wet some paper towels as I go into the stall. Self made-wet wipes FTW. Besides, if I have to take a dump in a public stall, chances are it's an emergency and not going to be a clean log, although once in a while, I'm blessed with that.

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thats why my cycle has changed to aroudn 3pm everytday lol


My kids are like that. Everyday on the way home from school, they both have to tell me they need to use the bathroom. One upstairs, the other down. Starts at an early age I guess :)


As my son says, he wants his privacy.

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Wow. Sounds like the kid I used to work with. He would have to take a break, go home, strip down naked, shit, shower, go back to work.


You guys are all girls. Just shit, it's not like you're going to catch AIDS or anything else.

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Sounds like you guys are lucky. Im usually out in the middle of some desert with no plumbing so it a Porta-John for me and they get fucking nasty quick when theres 30 guys on the job and only 3-4 shitters.


It usually take me twice as long to put plenty of paper in the bowl then it does to take the shit.


I had a guy toss a rock down the straw of the Porta-John once and I had the Blue Stew all over me and it was not freshly cleaned. I left work early that day and someone lost their job.

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Sorry about your work bro. My work bathroom is cleaned so often you could prolly eat off of it. Granted i work with maybe only 15 other people, but the place is clean. I trust it.


Now as for a truly "public" toilet, i will try to wait until im in the comfort of my home potty.

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I wipe down the seat to rid of any piss speckles and then I sit right down. I don't understand how you guys have this much time to consider strategy; if I HAVE to go in a public place, there's really not much time for shenanigans.
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A real mans shit.



1. grab paper towel on the way in.

2. stand by the urinal and drop trough

3. try to build up enough pressure to get some distance and land ur turd in the urinal.

4. wipe ur ass with that dry paper towel cause ur man enough to take the feeling.

5. toss it on the floor.

6. walk out the door with out washing ur hands cause germs fear you.



Or just use this.



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no wonder the rest of the world thinks america is a bunch of pussy's, you guys are afraid of taking a shit in a public restroom! man up people




I leave streaks all over c-bus.

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1. Wipe down seat

2. Use toilet seat cover (if available)

3. Flush paper used on step 1

4. Create an "anti-splash" pile of paper in bowl

5. Couple extra layers of paper on seat cover (or numerous layers if no seat cover)

6. Enjoy!


We discussed this exact same thing at BDubs a while back. And I have taken your technique ever since. Thanks to you, I can now shit at work. I still cant do any other public toilet though.

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haha i took a massssivveeee shit in craigs toilet the first time i went to his house. actually i did it at brian carters house too hahaha btw brian(bv8beast) has the most amazzzingggg toilt paper ever. felt like a wet nap ahhh amazingg
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no wonder the rest of the world thinks america is a bunch of pussy's, you guys are afraid of taking a shit in a public restroom! man up people


No kidding. You guys are a bunch of vaginas.


You treat it like the bathrooms don't get cleaned everywhere...


Everywhere I have ever worked the bathrooms get cleaned and disinfected every day.

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