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Visodence Special offer.


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For the past 3 months we've been working very hard to get our product ready to be used in a vehicle. Specifically Law enforcement. Allot of our product had to be redesigned to work in the confines of a trunk. We just had a successful bench test of the mobile product and it works. So in the next 30 days it should be going into a paddy wagon.


To celebrate us finally reaching that mile stone with our mobile solution We are offering your second year of service free on our 4 cam DVR.



This offer is good till the end of august.

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The Standard 4 CAM DVR :

4 x 480P 30FPS inputs.

2 Years of Sercurview


It Can be plugged into most existing systems to upgrade from old style quad tapes and older style dvr (Low Frame Rate).


Since the frame rate is not being hurt on the Camera end its on the recorder, Just adding one of our DVR's will greatly improve the video off existing systems.


We can also get you cameras with night vision for under 100$.


You can find out more on the website.



ATM our mobile solution is not available to the public.


If your interested in a demo pm me I will give you a demo login and pass

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Wow, I've had couple calls and a PM. Let me try and clarify it better.



I sell a DVR Solution for businesses. It has a yearly service charge due to the online nature of the product. I'm giving a second year free to celebrate our for mentioned milestone.


Was kinda excited when I wrote the message. Still am. I'll post pictures of the install into a Paddy wagon up when we get it all squared away.

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Dash cam. Allot of them run on out data analoug or this weird direct dvd writing solution. Both are prone to issues. By moving to a Solid state solution they can provide better evidence for court.
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