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Firefighter should be shot


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Wrong. Many of the people that spend the most on dogs are farmers. I think you are confusing "farmer" with "hillbilly"


I think you are confusing "yuppies with five acre hobby farms" and real farmers.

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I think you are confusing "yuppies with five acre hobby farms" and real farmers.


Um no. I grew up on a farm myself. I know what a farm is. My GF works at the OSU Vet Hospital and you should see some of the bills that these farmers have for their small animals.


Let's also not forget that most farmers have ambulatory vets that do mixed animal practice. Just because you don't see them sitting in the local boutique vet clinic, doesn't mean they don't spend a lot of money on their animals.

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The reason he hasn't been fired yet is that the union and the State have massive protections against firing to wade through. Trust me, he will not keep his job any longer than it takes to get through the hearings and paperwork. I've been hearing through a couple people that his co-workers are seriously protesting having to continue to work with him.
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And wow guys, I love animals too, but...


These dogs lived a better life than living wild in the streets, and were killed apparently quickly... So why are you people not outraged that there are probably hundreds of dogs that die of hunger every week, instead of condemning someone with way too many adjectives when you only know the story that you saw on an online news site?



Sure its from the news, but it doesn't make him any less of a piece of shit for doing it. I guess you have a point about dogs dying everyday. But so do humans for the same reasons, so go to your basement and kill yourself, lets see if its as tradgic, jackass.

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And wow guys, I love animals too, but...


These dogs lived a better life than living wild in the streets, and were killed apparently quickly... So why are you people not outraged that there are probably hundreds of dogs that die of hunger every week, instead of condemning someone with way too many adjectives when you only know the story that you saw on an online news site?


11 shots with a .22 does not sound like a quick and painless death to me.


Also, homemade silencer = ten years in pound-me-in-the-ass prison. Thank god the NFA laws are still in place from the 1930's keeping those gangsters with tommy guns in check :rolleyes:

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
I feel more for the second dog that died...that poor dog had to watch it's packmate struggling violently against the noose it was strung from by it's Pack Leader and then shot. It must have seemed an eternity for those poor dogs swaying back and forth by their necks until they were put out of their misery. This guy should win Asshole of the Year Award, BTW...did he end up going on the cruise that the dogs were tortured for?
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