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16 illegal Mexicans sue Arizona rancher: Claim violation of rights as they crossed his land

Now that right there is impressive!!!! What happens after they go through court? The get what they want??? Did they ever think they were going to get deported afterward?

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  • 1 month later...

I think we have another winnar winnar chicken dinnar!!

You're the most hardcore of hardcore if you have the cajones to decapitate your 5 yr old sister on her birthday. I'm sure there's a special place in hell for this guy.


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I think we have another winnar winnar chicken dinnar!!

You're the most hardcore of hardcore if you have the cajones to decapitate your 5 yr old sister on her birthday. I'm sure there's a special place in hell for this guy.


I'd love to beat that guy to death and then snap every bone in his body before he takes his last breath! That story is fucked up!

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Also a classic news story... that's messed up. But, cooking your baby inside out still isn't as hardcore as decapitation of your sister - in front of a cop.

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Here's another good'un. Mother of the Year award winner.


Mass. mother charged with stabbing 2-year-old girl over 100 times with scissors

A woman who believes she was being stalked by a cult has been charged with stabbing her 2-year-old daughter 100 times with scissors, her lawyer and police have said, and can be heard yelling "Die! Die!" on a 911 call.Susan Johnson's screams can be heard on the 911 call made by a security guard who helped to subdue her in a laundry room at a Gardner apartment building Wednesday night.

Johnson, 38, also used an electrical cord from a dryer to try and strangle the toddler, police said, but the security guard and two residents separated mother and child just before police arrived.

"I heard a woman screaming very loudly that she was going to 'Kill, kill, I have to kill you, Die, die, die,'" said resident Real Belliveau, 65, who lives just down the hall from the laundry room. He was watching a Boston Celtics game on TV when he heard the commotion.

When he ran to the laundry room he thought the child was already dead because she was limp, covered in blood and had the cord wrapped around her neck.

The girl was taken to a hospital suffering from as many as 100 wounds to her head, neck and torso, but many of them were superficial, police Chief Neil Erickson said. The child, who is now in the custody of state child welfare authorities, was taken to a hospital and is expected to survive.

The state Department of Children and Families made a check on the girl at her home in Turners Falls, about 35 miles west of Gardner, the day before the attack, the Worcester Telegram & Gazette and WBZ-TV reported. Department spokeswoman Alison Goodwin refused to confirm the report Thursday and said only the department is now investigating.

It's unclear what she was doing in the apartment building. She has family in Gardner, defense attorney Peter Binder said.

Johnson has a history of depression and had not been taking her medication, Binder said, adding she does not remember the attack in the laundry room.

"She seems to be very paranoid," he said.

Johnson was held without bail on a number of charges including attempted murder and ordered to undergo a competency evaluation at her arraignment Thursday in Gardner District Court. A dangerousness hearing was scheduled for April 17.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This ranks right up there on the nasty index. :puke::nono:

Maid charged after adding menstrual blood to employer's food


AN Indonesian maid has appeared in a Hong Kong court accused of adding menstrual blood to her employer's food in an effort to improve their stormy relationship.

Indra Ningsih, aged 26, mixed the blood in a pot of vegetables in the belief that the recipe would help ease her difficult work environment, The Standard newspaper reported.

In some southeast Asian cultures, menstrual blood is thought to have special powers, the paper added.

The maid has been charged with one count of "administering poison or other destructive or noxious substances with intent to injure'' and has not yet entered a plea.

The report cited a prosecution statement that said Ms Ningsih's ingredient had been discovered after her female employer, surnamed Mok, peered through the kitchen door and saw the helper acting suspiciously.

She entered the kitchen and found the accused throwing something into the rubbish bin.

When she checked the pot, she found a suspicious substance mixed with the vegetables and water, the English-language daily said.

Ms Mok later discovered a used sanitary napkin in the bin and called the police.

Ms Ningsih told police Ms Mok had been unhappy with her performance since she was hired last July

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have another winnar!!

Infant murder suspect: 'It's a dirty game'

This guy throws a baby out of a moving car on the highway


TAMPA, FL -- Authorities have arrested a man they say threw an infant from a car along I-275 Tuesday morning. The 3-month-old boy died.

21-year-old Richard McTear Jr. was apprehended around 9 a.m. at 3803 Arlington Drive in Tampa.

Jason Bird, an off-duty news photographer for WTVT-TV, found the child, identified as Emanuel Murray, in the southbound emergency lane near Fowler Avenue around 4:30 a.m.

"On the side of the road, I saw something out of the corner of my eye and at first I thought it was a baby doll, and then as I was thinking about it more I thought that was awfully big for a doll," Bird said.

He decided to go back to take another look.

"It was laying there with its eyes open," he said. "I couldn't look at it. It freaked me out, but fortunately law enforcement came right away."

About 45 minutes earlier, deputies were called to a home at 12414 North 15th Street for a report of domestic violence at the Marbella Apartments.

The caller, Jasmine Bedwell, said that she and McTear were fighting and that she and her 3-month-old son had been beaten. Bedwell told the operator the man picked up the baby and threw him on the concrete.

She said he then picked up the child and took off in a blue 4-door Chevrolet Impala.

The baby was pronounced dead alongside the Interstate around 4:30 a.m. A sheriff's spokeswoman said the medical examiner's office will determine just when the baby died.

Tampa Police later located McTear's car at 1601 River Cove in Tampa.

McTear has a prior record. He was previously arrested on charges including felony battery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and domestic battery by strangulation.

After his arrest, McTear was taken to Tampa Police District 3 Headquarters and then taken to the Falkenburg Road Jail where he is being held.

When ABC Action News reporter Dustin Chase asked how he could throw a baby out the window, McTear responded "It's a dirty game."

Tuesday afternoon he was charged with 1st degree murder following the conclusion of the baby's autopsy. He also been charged with burglary with a battery, felony battery, aggravated child abuse, and kidnapping.

He is being transported to the Orient Road Jail, and is expected to make a first court appearance tomorrow.

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Texas Mom Who Put Fetus in Fridge Gets 22 Years for Child Injury and Endangerment


LUBBOCK, Texas — A mother of nine who was arrested after authorities found a dead fetus stored in the refrigerator of her filthy home is headed to prison for 10 years on that charge and 12 years on other child endangerment charges. Gloria Ramirez, who is pregnant, was convicted on Thursday of child injury and endangerment. She looked down as the sentence was read Friday.

Ramirez received 10 years on the child injury conviction and two years for each of six endangerment charges. They'll be served concurrently.

Police came to the 28-year-old's home in 2007 after her common-law husband called a funeral home about a casket for a stillborn infant. The fetus had been placed in a baby wipe box in a refrigerator.

Authorities found rodents, roaches, dirty diapers, moldy food and trash covering most of the home's floors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

She didn't kill him once, but TWICE!

Police: Mom of buried NM boy says she killed him


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Police said Thursday that the mother of a 3-year-old boy found buried at a playground told investigators she suffocated him, had second thoughts and brought him back to life, then changed her mind and suffocated him again.

Police Chief Ray Schultz said Tiffany Toribio, 23, told officers that she and her son, Tyruss "Ty" Toribio, were in Alvarado Park before dawn on May 13 and that she suffocated him while he was asleep.

She told detectives she had second thoughts and performed CPR on the boy, reviving him, but again reconsidered and placed her hand over his nose and mouth until he suffocated, Schultz said. She said she waited a few minutes before burying him in the playground, the chief said.

Ty's body was found Friday by a mother who saw his black tennis shoe sticking out of the sand. Police released an artist's rendering of the boy's image on Tuesday, which led to tips about Toribio from family members and others, Schultz said.

Police picked up Toribio after she called them late Wednesday saying she had left home and was walking to the police station to turn herself in, the chief said. At first she denied being Tiffany Toribio, but officers found her identification and she acknowledged who she was, he said.

Neither the district attorney's office nor police knew if Toribio had an attorney, but she would have to have representation by her Friday arraignment.

Schultz called it "somber day" in Albuquerque.

"He was a very special child and that's what makes this case so hard for everybody within the Albuquerque Police Department that's worked on it for the last six days," he said.

At the playground — filled now with flowers, plaques and candles — about a dozen people gathered, some part of the regular vigil held there since last week and others who came down after hearing of the arrest on the TV news.

"We named him 'Baby Angel' and it's important now that we know his real name," said Sarah Sandoval, who lives nearby. "Now, his mother will find out this baby has a lot of people who love him and will do anything for a child."

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she had second thoughts and performed CPR on the boy, reviving him, but again reconsidered and placed her hand over his nose and mouth until he suffocated

:wtf: Some* people really shouldn't be able to reproduce.


A friend and I were actually joking around about this the other day. What if certain crimes or child abuse/neglect landed you sterility courteous the government? I would put it up there with corporal punishment, life sentences and the like, but wouldn't it be hilarious to see these people told they're too stupid to reproduce? :lol: sadly nothing in government works the way it was intended, so I wouldn't even vote for this... but I still think it would be useful in some cases

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Holmes was criticized during his lifetime and afterward for his philosophical views, which his opponents characterized as moral relativism. Holmes's critics believe that he saw few restraints on the power of a governing class to enact its interests into law. They assert that his moral relativism influenced him not only to support a broad reading of the constitutional guarantee of "freedom of speech," but also led him to write an opinion for the Court upholding Virginia's compulsory sterilization law in Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), where he found no constitutional bar to state-ordered compulsory sterilization of an institutionalized, allegedly "feeble-minded" woman. Holmes wrote ,"It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind . . . three generations of imbeciles are enough." While his detractors point to this case as an extreme example of his moral relativism, other legal observers argue that this was a consistent extension of his own version of strict utilitarianism, which weighed the morality of policies according to their overall measurable consequences in society and not according to their own normative worth.

-Oliver Wendell Holmes (wiki)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Weren't we just talking about how we love cops? To protect and serve (and flush, apparently)


Mesa PD: Officer Flushed Fetus

MESA, Ariz. -- The Mesa Police Department is investigating two incidents involving misconduct by its officers, including one in which an officer flushed a miscarried fetus down a motel toilet, Chief George Gascon announced Wednesday.During one of the incidents, officers arrived at a Motel 6 on June 1 to find a woman who had miscarried.After discussions about what to do with the 4-inch fetus, a police officer advised that it be discarded by being flushed down the hotel's toilet, Gascon said."There is no question that the fetus needed to be treated differently and it would have been appropriate for the medical examiner to at least have access to that fetus," said Gascon.On May 16, surveillance video captured five-year veteran Officer Nicholas Webster shoving a suspect onto the trunk of his patrol vehicle and then into a chain-linked fence several times."What we see there, it would lead me to believe that it was excessive. You have an individual that is handcuffed, he does not appear to be resisting," Gascon said.The suspect, Sean Okoli, 21, had been arrested for urinating in public and jaywalking.Gascon said Okoli made a complaint three days after the incident, and it was brought to the chief's attention Tuesday afternoon.Gascon said Webster was involved in both incidents.The two incidents involved four Mesa police officers and a supervisor, all of whom have been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation.
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