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I read this conversation on it:


"Yeah, only the audience for "Brüno" will undoubtedly fall into two basic categories. The first: people who are LGBT, gay-friendly, or generally indifferent. These audiences know they're watching a stereotype because they have LGBT friends, family members, co-workers, or just plain common sense. The second: ignorant or homophobic people. These are people who still use the word "gay" to mean bad or consider "faggot" the ultimate insult. Whether through fear, outright hatred, or no fault of their own, they have a limited concept of gayness that "Brüno" is unlikely to expand.


In other words, Dave, this transformation you're talking about is unlikely in the case of "Brüno" because it will require people already hostile to gays to laugh at themselves while their stupidity is assaulted for an hour and a half. No one wants that. It's much easier to spend $180 million seeing "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" instead.


I do hope "Brüno" doesn't do what so many people in the LGBT community fear the film will do: underwrite laughter from people who don't understand that the joke is on them. The last thing either of us want to see is a well-intentioned attempt at portraying homophobia as the tool of the ignorant go horribly awry."



Food for thought.

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Go watch "the Ali G show". He makes a lot of personalities and goes around and makes fun of everyone he talks to. Ali G is a rapper he made up and Bruno was already created years ago. So was Borat before that movie came up. Both of them make cameo's in his tv show. It was on HBO google it or pirate the shows.
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I thought borat was a riot, and I loved Ali G, so I'm pretty sure I'll dig Bruno.


+1. I thought Borat was great. Never seen Ali G. Dunno if I will get the chance to see Bruno in theaters or not, but I will see it eventually I'm sure. I have a twisted ass sense of humor anyway.

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