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what time?


racing starts at 5 i believe. gates usualyl open at 4 or 430... i woudl recomend gettin tehre at 3 or 330 an sit an wait so your one of the first cars. so the secodn they open you go straight to get teched in an then straight first in line. in doing so the second they get racing you are first in line. an every one else is still teching in. so you can get 5+ passes done in 45 minuites easily. cause once msot cars get teched itll be an hour plus inbetween each race....

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aww that sucks. but its almost done right?


well everything is on...now i just have to figure out how all the wires are gonna run. some of the sensors and stuff are moved behind the supercharger when they used to be in front of the intake manifold, so the wires aren't long enough...fun stuff

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