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Stupid Athiests

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I will say this is honestly one of the mentally stimulating Religion threads on CR.


BTW I'm not attempting to bash anyone on here. I'm trying to be mature about this. I think if more Christians understood why its not a "FAITH" in science or darwin or big bang or what ever they want to toss out there. They would understand better why we believe the way we do.


But that being said.

If the fundamentalist(6k earth) Christians where able to see why we believe the way we do it would shatter there entire belief system. This again is not a insult. Some of the basic principles I see thrown around is that I worship Darwin. If they understood the true definition and explanations why evolution did occur and how we have tested it time and time again in medicine. They would have to admit there beliefs were wrong.


Dawkins does a good job of breaking down how evolution works.

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I will say this is honestly one of the mentally stimulating Religion threads on CR.


BTW I'm not attempting to bash anyone on here. I'm trying to be mature about this. I think if more Christians understood why its not a "FAITH" in science or darwin or big bang or what ever they want to toss out there. They would understand better why we believe the way we do.


But that being said.

If the fundamentalist(6k earth) Christians where able to see why we believe the way we do it would shatter there entire belief system. This again is not a insult. Some of the basic principles I see thrown around is that I worship Darwin. If they understood the true definition and explanations why evolution did occur and how we have tested it time and time again in medicine. They would have to admit there beliefs were wrong.


Dawkins does a good job of breaking down how evolution works.


Not to be a dick but, this thread was definitely un-stimulating in every way. No real good arguments for or against. Just a bunch of random facts and pretend knowledge being tossed around. Plus Ghost Hunters is on right now which proves that god hates people that get murdered and makes them stay in the place of their final life breath forever. Which also proves that whiskey makes boring things entertaining.

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Not to be a dick but, this thread was definitely un-stimulating in every way. No real good arguments for or against. Just a bunch of random facts and pretend knowledge being tossed around.


Then enlighten us. You obviously know more than us. I would love to hear some of it.

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steve is definatly right. i mean, atleast the athiests that do the public debates with the christians(unfortunatly, our most ignorant ones seem to be the most vocal) actually understand, not only christianity but, the abrahamic religions as well as the other religions through out the world, instead of basing their points on ignorant misconceptions. take the plane crash survivor schpiel, what does that have to do with any thing? death and suffering are as much a part of the given free will as life and happiness. there is a reason that this sort of thing is never brought up in those debates; it's ignorant and would be swatted down without issue by the other side(that whole 'free will' thing). you can toss george carlins "i prayed to god, then i prayed to the moon" thing in there too. i mean, those athiests get much more respect since they actually know and understand the religions that they are denying, they actually did some research before they came to their conclusion instead of just saying "ehh, i'm not feeling the whole spiritual thingy, so there must not be a god".


besides, it's not our job to do your research for you, so i don't see why steve should 'enlighten' you. it's your job to make sure your decision is informed(though i really couldn't care less if it is or not).

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Really? You want to talk about the 'religious sanctity of marriage' to try to throw that idea back in his face? What a fucking joke that idea is in our society today. :mad: 50%


EDIT: And Ken will have to come back and answer this one to be 100%, but IIRC from his thread he was married on a beach. So at the very least not in a church.


The ceremony with our family was held on a beach and ordained by one of our mutual friends who has studied and is accepting of all religions. She would be considered an agnostic theist by definition.


Our legal solemnization was done before we left at the little wedding chapel in the brewery district; A simple 10 minute service with no religious dogma. My wife and I are on the same page.


It is sad that in "skinners" paradigm weddings can only be held in the rigid construct that he has seen witnessed them in the past.

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steve is definatly right. i mean, atleast the athiests that do the public debates with the christians(unfortunatly, our most ignorant ones seem to be the most vocal) actually understand, not only christianity but, the abrahamic religions as well as the other religions through out the world, instead of basing their points on ignorant misconceptions. take the plane crash survivor schpiel, what does that have to do with any thing? death and suffering are as much a part of the given free will as life and happiness. there is a reason that this sort of thing is never brought up in those debates; it's ignorant and would be swatted down without issue by the other side(that whole 'free will' thing). you can toss george carlins "i prayed to god, then i prayed to the moon" thing in there too. i mean, those athiests get much more respect since they actually know and understand the religions that they are denying, they actually did some research before they came to their conclusion instead of just saying "ehh, i'm not feeling the whole spiritual thingy, so there must not be a god".


besides, it's not our job to do your research for you, so i don't see why steve should 'enlighten' you. it's your job to make sure your decision is informed(though i really couldn't care less if it is or not).


Its easy to sit on the sidelines and talk shit about the game, however actually participating in the topic is much harder. Especially if you are not a professor of religion.


I am currently taking a comparative studies course at ohio state and have gotten through Scientology, Hinduism and Buddhism. I have a basic understanding of all 3, but nothing more.


I am trying to shape my view of religion further by listening and participating in topics such as this.


So asking him to provide substance to this thread is not a ridiculous request. I have an idea of what I believe, but am open to change. Saying its my job to figure it all out is a cop out.

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I have studied, perused, and dabbled in almost every notable religion in the world. Do you want to know what they all have in common, and how you can PROVE that they are all correct.


Missing socks. Muhhamed lost one in a desert. As did Jesus when Satan tempted him. Buddha was always sitting cross-legged, embarrassed of his apparent lack of sock-control. Confusious say wiseman keeps socks in pocket at all times. Hindus recognize that reincarnation into a missing sock is the highest possible form. Chew on that you dirty atheists.


(brought to by The Foundation For Spiritual Facts ... because 'fuck you', that's how we know)

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This whole thread is hilarious. You've all managed to argue, not about religion as it's normally accepted, but what you think defines religion or the meaning of related labels.


Let's forget the fact that we all know what me mean when we talk about relgion, chrisitians, atheist, etc. And let's go ahead and argue semantics. lol Does anyone else smell the ridiculousness and futility of this thread?

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Thorn, its fair to say, along with a few others on here that claim to be atheists, that in order to understand the whole faith in science jazz you would have to change everything you know to be true in what you think. Faith is not something that crosses your mind because the premise of your thinking does not involve faith, so in order to ask that you explain that is just as ridiculous as you asking me to NOT have faith in there being a God and explaining why i dont.


It makes sense in my head lol

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