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Just had an interview with sons First school


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He will be attteding k-4 he just turned 4 we got him in Northside Christian School hes so happy he will be going to school teachers were so nice


The teacher would give you an F on this post due to poor sentence structure :p


j/k.. stay close to the school and keep the communication open. I had a nightmare of a year with my daughter due to poor communication with the teacher. Start now because one of these years your kid might get a teacher that isnt all that great... When that happens if you are already well known at the school (volunteering etc) it will make your life a lot easier.

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Guest tbutera2112
my mom put me in a christian pre-school when i was little... she went to pick me up that day and saw a nun dragging some kid through the parking lot...needless to say, i didnt go back
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so you went to an all boy cathloic school where the priest gav e you some hard knocks


Paul you seem to have some deep rooted pain. I can sense from your post that at some time you were touched in your no no tingly area. Would you like to come over to my house and discuss this? I would be more than happy to help you get on with your life and stop having nightmares about older hairy men sticking rice krispies up your back side. Just let me know friend... I'm here for you.

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Paul you seem to have some deep rooted pain. I can sense from your post that at some time you were touched in your no no tingly area. Would you like to come over to my house and discuss this? I would be more than happy to help you get on with your life and stop having nightmares about older hairy men sticking rice krispies up your back side. Just let me know friend... I'm here for you.


i just laughed out loud at work and have people looking at me becuase i read this! nice one #2

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I don't believe in brainwashing my children at that small of an age.

Not necessarily fair. People raise kids to believe what they do all the time. Do you not raise your kids(if you have any) to believe anything you do? You would teach them whats right or wrong based on what you believe wouldnt you?

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Paul you seem to have some deep rooted pain. I can sense from your post that at some time you were touched in your no no tingly area. Would you like to come over to my house and discuss this? I would be more than happy to help you get on with your life and stop having nightmares about older hairy men sticking rice krispies up your back side. Just let me know friend... I'm here for you.

why so i can block out the memory of some old white guy touching me, after leaving with you il lhave a bad memory of some young big black guy touching me

I don't believe in brainwashing my children at that small of an age.

annnn let the religion politics peopel come out of the wood works

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I don't believe in brainwashing my children at that small of an age.


This is really not that different than taking your kid to church with you. Its natural to teach your kids the same thing that you learned growing up....


Edit: For all we know he's not religious at all. He could just want to put his kid in a school that offers a better environment for learning.

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Not necessarily fair. People raise kids to believe what they do all the time. Do you not raise your kids(if you have any) to believe anything you do? You would teach them whats right or wrong based on what you believe wouldnt you?


Agreed 100%!All 3 of my kids went to Christian Preschools and all 3 are doing very well.My wife keeps in CLOSE contact with the Teachers and Principals at all 3 schools my kids attend now.If there is a problem or you are unhappy go in and speak with the Teache or principal or both like Adults.If that doesn't work then move on to more agressive tatics!

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Private schools are pretty neat, I attended one K-12 enjoyed the people very much.


Although I was reading that due to budget cuts or something that private schools tuition is going to go up again, Catholic H.S. is at $6800 right now per student per year, with discounts for multiple students.

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Thanks guys for the input im not big church guy but do attend as much as i can all i know is my son loves it songs,activities,and learning plus we live in columbus And i went to columbus public schools and its just not my cup of tea for him
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Thanks guys for the input im not big church guy but do attend as much as i can all i know is my son loves it songs,activities,and learning plus we live in columbus And i went to columbus public schools and its just not my cup of tea for him


Homeschool bro, keeps them safe.

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its much better choice if the alternative is columbus public schools


I did catholic school for awhile if you treat the religon part like any other subject its more like an extra history lesson than anything.


I'm not religous but many people are under eduacated when it comes to religon and it can in some cases help to understand the current state of world affairs

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