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I'm the black sheep son doodadaloo doodadaloo doodaladooooooo


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so im a black sheep cause i stepped outta line and spoke up on thoughts many people have. makes since, oh but its the fact that im on rc. thats right, you caught me. makes since now, im the bad guy cause im standing up for somthing that people still love to do. grown up or not, thats like saying some people on here werent grown up 2 yrs ago wen they were still doing this shit. i love how the question about the kitchen still hasnt been answered though. all i said was that this site has gotten soft, and most people here have tucked there tails and hid in the house. its sad that people forget who you are because you havent been out in so long
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fuck you , damn fucking german homo loving doodie chaser


yeah i get it.. i have kids to loose, a business to loose. all for what? a fucking street race? yes i do love it..but around here, cause of some other dumbass's that have done stupid shit, and continue to do so, even tho they lost a close freind in doing so. we cant go back to the old days...that damn time machine that guy sold me, wont work for me, and he wont tell me how he did it cause of the government is after him or some crazy shit.:rolleyes::mad:.


they are flat out looking for the next person to get caught, and that person will be the the one they will use to show you why not to do it. beleive that shit.



I <3 you too Rob. :p

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Experience leads to growing up. Try it out sometime.






so im a black sheep cause i stepped outta line and spoke up on thoughts many people have. makes since, oh but its the fact that im on rc. thats right, you caught me. makes since now, im the bad guy cause im standing up for somthing that people still love to do. grown up or not, thats like saying some people on here werent grown up 2 yrs ago wen they were still doing this shit. i love how the question about the kitchen still hasnt been answered though. all i said was that this site has gotten soft, and most people here have tucked there tails and hid in the house. its sad that people forget who you are because you havent been out in so long
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Ahhh who's idea was it to make the kitchen point to ratemypoo.com?


With the way Black Sheep posts it should be ytmnd.com. All I can think about is a never ending loop of "you just got bell aired" when I see him post.

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I think I remember Phil talking about just wanting to drive his car, and not worry about racing earlier this summer, I suppose because he had just got it back together. Was this sarcasm I misread somehow or has the outlook suddenly changed?


his car is just getting the finishing touchs on it...it runs damn good. but for how long i dont know..i didnt build the motor, and had to already fix issues with that.:rolleyes:

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He got a new tranny and half-assed LT1 in it. He will walk everyone.


did i say i was going to walk anyone? no i didnt think so, and what does me having work to my car have to do with anything? i was out there last yr with nothing done to my car and i was running my mouth then. whats different?

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FYI street racing isnt why the kitchen was removed. It was butt hurt members bitching and complaining to mods all day long because people hurt their feelings.


And we are letting people vent... if we closed it then people would bitch about not being able to have an opinion. I swear this site makes me feel like a middle school teacher.

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so im a black sheep cause i stepped outta line and spoke up on thoughts many people have. makes since, oh but its the fact that im on rc. thats right, you caught me. makes since now, im the bad guy cause im standing up for somthing that people still love to do. grown up or not, thats like saying some people on here werent grown up 2 yrs ago wen they were still doing this shit. i love how the question about the kitchen still hasnt been answered though. all i said was that this site has gotten soft, and most people here have tucked there tails and hid in the house. its sad that people forget who you are because you havent been out in so long




please...i have watched big money races go down, with no ricers or cops...in the middle of the week.... in the last month.


where were those people that night? i dont see those other people speaking up on here! just you. and because you posted it here, that make them think you balls dropped finally ?



or maybe thats where the sheep comes in huh? yeah it is soft on here. so. how many more good members have we shoved out of here because of the way this place used to handle itself? alot. those othere people can do what they want, who ever they want. but guess what...not on here. thats why they have rc now dont they.

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Thats hilarious considering you have posted almost twice as much as me in this thread.


defending myself takes alota posts


Yeah and I can just post inside of your post and skew my numbers :p

~Signed your real dad

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Phil, grow up. Think about what is important in life.


And if you mention one more time about anyone DYING...


If you need your street racing fix, post the fuck up somewhere else. It's not your fault CR grew up and you didn't.




This, although you're still a kid;).


Seriously a lot of people wised up and put their priorities in order. What is the appeal of street racing to you? Why is it so important? Why is it worth the risk?


What is the point in constant bashing? It gets so tiring and redundant, why do you care?

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Thats hilarious considering you have posted almost twice as much as me in this thread.


He's posted twice a much as anyone in the shortest amount of time.

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Oh hey, hal you doing?


To answer your question, bashing other people makes me feel better about myself.


Unfortunately, not a very inventive greeting there.

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