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80Mph in a 65mph


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Im going to fight it. Because with my deployment comming up at the end of the month hopefully they will want to avoid postponing the court date till my return and just settle for a Fine with no points. But if they go off my record Im FUCKED!! Like my 113 in a 65, 70 in a 60, 91 in a 65, 53 in a 35, 55 in a 25... I need to slow the fuck down... lol
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you guys in the military get tickets?!! Thats wrong man, youd think they let you off. Fuck the police.



Shit I don't usually try to use it as a way to get out but a lot of times I dont even have my drivers licence on me and only my military ID and I have gotten out of atleast 10 tickets or more. I did a wheelie past CPD on lane ave and he let me go without even a written warning. Along with running a stop sign, and 45 in a 25 in Perry township! I have never heard of Perry township letting anyone off. But I got my first ticket in a couple years 10 days after I got back from overseas. I didn't say anything and the Statie didn't even know I was military. I just took my ticket. Im still a citizen like everyone else.

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Im going to fight it. Because with my deployment comming up at the end of the month hopefully they will want to avoid postponing the court date till my return and just settle for a Fine with no points. But if they go off my record Im FUCKED!! Like my 113 in a 65, 70 in a 60, 91 in a 65, 53 in a 35, 55 in a 25... I need to slow the fuck down... lol


Are you going to Alpena? I know a buch of units are going up there for AT, including our whole base.

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I got the same. 83 in a 65 in wyandott county on 23. He clocked me at 88 but dialed me in at 83, said it took 15 minutes to catch me. Saved me some cash, so I thanked him. $120. Just pay it.


I knew I was going to get a ticket that day too, I had come to the determination that getting a ticket that day was fine before I even left. I knew I was going to be hauling ass.

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Set your cruise at 70 mph and don't worry about it, your not getting pulled over :) i don't know how many times i pass people who just pass me because they lock down the brakes when they see the flying tire salesman.


just plead no contest and say your sorry you were late for work, and pay whatever the judge tells you too.

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