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I just learned about the mayans prediction of december 21st 2012 the world will end and the 5th world will begin after that. I don't know if I believe it or not but I do find it very interesting. I know there is a lot of smart people on here so I would like to hear some facts and opinions
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Guest tbutera2112
isnt their calendar different than ours? correct me if im wrong, but they did not have leap years, they found a way to make it all even and not have 1/4 days like we do
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the calenders are a little different but both end up with the same time frame for a year or close to it. there calender is suppose to be more accurate. that's why they don't have leap years
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what about the sun going throught its polar shift on 2012? I am not arguing saying this is true or not but I would like to hear some facts about it


facts are im going to walk that ta of yours like i did at the last track day, again even if you put in bigger jets :)

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Skinner is right, that is just the date the calendar ends. The Mayan calendar was created in 3372 BC. Now tell me this, If you were making a calendar today, how far in advance would you make it? 5000+ years seems like a safe bet, and I think the Mayan's felt the same way. Look at your computer. Most calendars on PC's will only go to 2100. Does that mean the world will end then if we make it past the 2012 deadline? Edited by MonkeyBone
I'm a dumb ass
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what about the sun going throught its polar shift on 2012? I am not arguing saying this is true or not but I would like to hear some facts about it


OMG !!! ... I mean its not like that happens every 11 years or so. Seriously man, take any celestial/memorial/or any other random event, add some vaguely explained prophecy, coincidence or god forbid "theory", shake vigorously with peoples fears/desires/religions and what you have is your standard recipe for "end of the world" soup. Its not the first time, it won't be the last.


If the world ends I'll buy you a coca-cola.

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What's even more alarming is that throughout the entirety of human existence, people have picked countless, near-arbitrary dates for the end of world, and their record so far is 0. AMAZING !!!


So says you. How do you know we're the first human civilization? ;)


And I've always found the Mayan prophecies facinating. However, everything is open to interpretation and much like many past works, ie; the Bible or any of L Ron Hubbards books ;), people have many different thoughts but only they (Mayans) truly know what it means. For example, maybe the calendar making guy was lost in the woods?

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