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please excuse me while i RANT....


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kinda disappointed im on page two and no pics yet... :(


personally, ive had the bodybuilder trainers and i dont prefer them. i also had a female trainer that was an ex marine boot camp instructor and that was hell.


I wanna see pic's too. At 220-230 how tall are you? Its been a few years since ive worried about what I eat. Now that I do not stay active as much I have gained alot of weight. I really need to find the moitivation and start watching my food , but its just somthing I do not know.

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I wanna see pic's too. At 220-230 how tall are you? Its been a few years since ive worried about what I eat. Now that I do not stay active as much I have gained alot of weight. I really need to find the moitivation and start watching my food , but its just somthing I do not know.


I am no where near that weight yet, i am about 40lbs off i should be there by next summer. I will try and get some pics up soon......

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If you go into an interview with the perspective that your certification speaks for itself, you are probably cutting yourself short. If the gyms you are applying to are like most, a personal trainer is essentially a sales rep. It is up to you to find clients, convince them of your worth, grow and build a long term relationship. All the Kinesiology knowledge in the world is worthless unless you have a client willing to pay for it.


Perhaps it is time to work on your salesman ship and personality in the interview and elsewhere.

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Sorry not posting my face...Im bloated as fuck in this picture. ( middle of bulking, going to 230 and cutting back)


The back picture is pulling my scapula together its alot wider not pulled back.





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Damn dude, that's pretty sick. You were 189 in that picture?


Thank you!


ya, i am wokring my ass off to get over 200. My body is not happy carrying all this weight. I was at 198 over the winter time and it was alot to carry. I wasnt doing any cardio and eating whatever was around me at the time. I had high BP and would get winded walking. Im doing light cardio right now to keep my heart healthy while i put good weight on.

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Guest tbutera2112
So i just finished up my 6 mos course to be a personal trainer. This is not your typical buy a course off line. Study it at home, go to a location and take the test. This is go to school for 8 hours a day for 6 mos.


I have more knowledge than everyone of the trainers at my job and the other gym i train at yet i can not find a job to save my life. No i have no experience working at a gym as a personal trainer. MY BODY IS MY EXPERIENCE YOU DUMB FUCKS. LOOK at me im in better shape, bigger and stronger than everyone of your trainers. Its funny when your trainers are aking me for pointers and what they should do or if one of their clients is stuck and they have no idea what to do....who do they come to?? ME!! I am so fed up with everyone wanting my help yet noone will give me a job.



end rant...





+1....post the nudes, fag



oh wait...thats kinda gay...i guess the myspace mirror shots are good enough

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Guest tbutera2112
Pm`d :D



Be afraid be very afraid....









Be right back, going to wash the gay off of me.



forwarding to sciongirl for cash...you just got played sucka

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