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Since you love runnin your trap....bring your sweet bike to the SLT at Kil Kare in Sept and I'll do your "dig" race you love so much doing. You like complainin so much b out not gettin dig runs....well here's your chance. Im sure there will be PLENTY of bikes there that will run you.
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You are annoying as shit and dont know how to listen. One of you other Cincy guys can let this tool know he's been evicted.


Moved to the kitchen since this is where it should have been anyway.


dammit, you guys don't listen at all.. he is not a "cincy guy"


He is from Dayton.


He has been banned from CSS too, hell he was banned from SRD (dayton's board) :lol:

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dammit, you guys don't listen at all.. he is not a "cincy guy"


He is from Dayton.


He has been banned from CSS too, hell he was banned from SRD (dayton's board) :lol:

same thing. both lame ass places GAYYYYY

04SRTurbo = :gay:

:( i know

My balls itch.

can i be of some assistance?

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I think I'm gonna let him back in.


Do eeet! I was flexing meeeee muscles and forgot to unban him before I left for my sisters wedding rehersal.


Everyone take note... When a mod or admin says do something dont be a smart ass or we might ban you and forget about it.

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Do eeet! I was flexing meeeee muscles and forgot to unban him before I left for my sisters wedding rehersal.


Everyone take note... When a mod or admin says do something done be a smart ass or we might ban you and forget about it.


:jerkit: yea Ooooooooooook! lol

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Trip to mexico, this ullbsorry guy was there, didn't want to dig race his bike, paul makes fun of him for roll racing a motorcycle, now this guy is apparently tired of paul talking shit, and challenges him to dig at SLT.



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whats wrong? 04srtturdbo say sumthing he cant back up? just trying to catch up here...


lol i was banned form this thread .... dick i can back up what im saying... kinda haha ill race anythign i dont care so bring your little fbody out an lets race(street tires please :lol:)

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