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Just had a guy threaten to beat my face in


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I'm going to ask my neighbor to turn off their porch lights tonight because I can see them glisten through my window and although I could just close my blinds I don't want to because I am an open window enthusiast and it would take me forever to dust them properly when I close them.
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I'm going to ask my neighbor to turn off their porch lights tonight because I can see them glisten through my window and although I could just close my blinds I don't want to because I am an open window enthusiast and it would take me forever to dust them properly when I close them.



Well I'm a reflective surface enthusiast, and the way his lights reflect off of your windows absolutely gets my rocks off.


I swear to god if you tell him to turn off those light I will fucking kick your face into your ass.

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While I think its stupid as hell you told the guy to move his sprinkler. I think you did it in a polite manner and the dude did overreact way too much. Sadly. The best thing to do would of been prolly to just go back to the car and park it somewhere else then go inside and look at some porn.


When life gets you down. Porn is always there to get you up.

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Mike, I know how you are about your car, so it dosent surprise me that you did this, the guy way over reacted IMO. What does surprise me is that you posted this up on THIS board, knowing (I hope) that the douche bag patrol would tear into you.
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Mike, I know how you are about your car, so it dosent surprise me that you did this, the guy way over reacted IMO. What does surprise me is that you posted this up on THIS board, knowing (I hope) that the douche bag patrol would tear into you.


douche bag patrol??? Why I outta...

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I'll half defend the OP, because I too used to be like this (obsessed about keeping a truck spotless). I would spend an hour+ wiping it back down whenever it was driven to save time getting it ready on show days. I understand the pride you feel once you finish a multiple hour detail and stand back and look at your work. Having the actions of someone else "ruin" that feeling sucks.


But, I think you could have gotten home and wiped down your inner fenders in less time than it took to stop and instigate that situation.?.?

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I can completely understand being OC about ones vehicle, but its a pretty simple concept to grasp that there's only one person that cares about how clean your car is, and it's not your neighbor watering his lawn. I can't tell you how many times I've washed and waxed one of the vehicles only to go out and get stuck behind construction vehicles throwing dirt everywhere. It happens, and its not the construction workers fault I was being so anal. If you get that pissy about real world conditions than after you detail your car don't go anywhere, or cover it in plastic before you go out, or just deal with it.


This is probably a little obsessive, but everytime I give my car a good cleaning (wash, clay, polish, wax, interior detail) I usually have a plan to go somewhere, and take some pics. That way I always get something tangible out of busting my ass for 3 hours besides a fleeting sense of accomplishment.

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I can completely understand being OC about ones vehicle, but its a pretty simple concept to grasp that there's only one person that cares about how clean your car is, and it's not your neighbor watering his lawn. I can't tell you how many times I've washed and waxed one of the vehicles only to go out and get stuck behind construction vehicles throwing dirt everywhere. It happens, and its not the construction workers fault I was being so anal. If you get that pissy about real world conditions than after you detail your car don't go anywhere, or cover it in plastic before you go out, or just deal with it.


This is probably a little obsessive, but everytime I give my car a good cleaning (wash, clay, polish, wax, interior detail) I usually have a plan to go somewhere, and take some pics. That way I always get something tangible out of busting my ass for 3 hours besides a fleeting sense of accomplishment.



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i like keeping my car clean to, but i dont get upset about it enough to stop and tell them to stop (unless they do something very inconsiderate like mowing and blowing the shit at my car when they clearly saw me coming). But in the case of just getting your car a little wet, Turtle wax makes an instant detailer that will take water spots and just about anything else off in maybe 5 minutes.
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Next time just do this...


"Excuse me sir. I have noticed that your sprinkler is intermittantly watering the street. If you water your lawn like this daily you could be costing yourself hundreds of dollars a year in water that never touches the grass. As someone that also loves a well kept yard would you mind if I adjust your sprinkler in a way that will water your lawn in a more efficient manner?"


This is the only way I see at having a small chance of him caring. There are more people in the world that dont give a chit about your car than people that do... fact.


Since this thread is getting old I'm going to add a twist...


If he was driving a classic show car and was 45 years old what do you think would have happened in this that exact same scenario??

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Next time just do this...


"Excuse me sir. I have noticed that your sprinkler is intermittantly watering the street. If you water your lawn like this daily you could be costing yourself hundreds of dollars a year in water that never touches the grass. As someone that also loves a well kept yard would you mind if I adjust your sprinkler in a way that will water your lawn in a more efficient manner?"


This is the only way I see at having a small chance of him caring. There are more people in the world that dont give a chit about your car than people that do... fact.


Since this thread is getting old I'm going to add a twist...


If he was driving a classic show car and was 45 years old what do you think would have happened in this that exact same scenario??



the guy would've sucked him off and gave him the clothes off his back to dry his car off.

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I feel for the OP.


I do everything in my power to keep my cars as spotless as possible and when someone's careless actions create more work for me that could have been prevented it's rather upsetting. (we all have to have our passions right?).


For instance, I had to ask my neighbor to adjust his sprinkler because it was wattering my cars sitting in my own driveway every night leaving a mess of water spots on them. Thankfully our transaction went a bit better than this one.



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This thread has awesome coming from at least 4 different directions. I've decided pointing it all out and commenting on it would take too long. If you've skipped to this post, go back and read the thread in its entirety. Nobody want's to read your lazy, uninformed post anyway. ;)
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Someone tell me where this "show car" sits. I will do a drive by super soaker shootout. And I am not talking about those kiddy water guns where they hold water in just the tanks in the gun. No I play with the big boy water guns. My gun consists of a 2 gallon container with straps that I wear on my back.


OH NOES TEH WATER STREAM run for your lives!

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Someone tell me where this "show car" sits. I will do a drive by super soaker shootout. And I am not talking about those kiddy water guns where they hold water in just the tanks in the gun. No I play with the big boy water guns. My gun consists of a 2 gallon container with straps that I wear on my back.


OH NOES TEH WATER STREAM run for your lives!


you drive a pos beater you wouldnt understand lol

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you drive a pos beater you wouldnt understand lol


Hah if you knew my family (step dad) you would know how much I do understand. Ever live with someone that would beat you for getting one finger print on their car window? My dad cleans his cars once a week for at least 2 hours at a time. He even does this in the winter time in the garage. Who cares if it is 30F not him!

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