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I have a cat that needs a home.


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Cat has a urinary tract infection, its common for them to go by doors and corners when they have this.


They can prescribe simple antibiotics and clear it up in a few days.

this...or he is mad about some thing (serious, one of my cats was like this.till i got his ass fixxed!)

I'm waiting to hearr back. He is to old to be declawed .

umm BS. they dont recover as fast when they are older...

The problem is he is male, female cats don't do this.


yes they will.

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Another thing, please dont shoot the cat outside either its just not right. A guy at my work bragged how he shot several cats (2) that were stray. This Animal right girl did her own investigation and found the 2 dead cats . She ended up taking the cats and a bunch of pic's and getting Jonny law invlolved. 7 months later she raises money donated by animal right people for laywers ect. he was just sentanced to 3 years in prison, Im glad too because this guy was a fucking prick.
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i cannot and will not hurt an animal over this. my wife has called cat welfair. i feel bad because other then the fact cat piss makes me sick the cats nice and social. almost 2 social


I did not see if you replyed but is he nutered? And another thing if you still have a self cleaning litter box you stiill need to clean the tray out every other day aleast.

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No cat should EVER be declawed. Shit's illegal in some places, and should be here, too.

Common issues for declawed cats: altered gait, chronic pain, loss of balance, inability to climb/reluctance to jump. All of which can cause other health probs like joint issues, and personality changes from pain or lack of exercise. Those changes can range from having a "lazy" cat, who is in reality hiding serious pain, up to aggression and outright psychosis.


If you care about a cat, declawing them is hardly a way to show it...



Thorne, if you are having real problems being around the litterbox, there is a company making one now that actually uses a washable litter and flushes itself out after each use...as for the back door issue...shoot the stray. Kinder for it than leaving it out there fending for itself.


Thank you. If you have to maim your fuckin animal to fit your lifestyle, then you should acquire a different animal. I've had male cats almost exclusively, both inside and dual in/out cats. Even mulitples ones and never had a problem with my cats peeing or tearing up furniture.


Thorne's cat, Cisco, is a REALLY COOL FUCKIN CAT. He's the biggest sweetheart and I've never known him to pee inside until recently. Thorne said he was healthy and I asked him if there'd been a cat around the house outside recently. I told him it could be a male or a female in heat. He said he had seen a cat hanging around the window where his cat likes to sit. So, getting this cat does not guarantee he's going to pee in your house. BTW, the smell can be removed if it does happen. Again, very, very sweet, loving cat that gets along with what seems like everything.

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Welp if its not neutered it should be, it will stop the pissing and help with him wanting to breed. There is a place's you can get it all done for under 75 bucks. If you really love him and want to keep him you would do this. this is normal behavior for cats to pee in there "home" to let other cats know its his home.
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