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Batman: Arkham Asylum


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i've got it for the 360, but it's out for both.

it is only one player, but what the hell do you need 2 player for? It's BATMAN!

it has all sorts of back story about the characters/bios/psych recordings/models

this game is FULLY flushed out in all Batman lore/information, and the voice actors from the awesome 90's animated series are in the game.

don't let a commercial dissuade you from playing this game, you WILL be sorry you missed it!



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Played the demo tonight, awesome graphics, and I loved that its more like the cartoon and less from the crappy movies. Gameplay is lacking though, it practically does everything for you.

But cant pick the game up because my ps3 took a shit and won't read anything blu-ray right now

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Played the demo tonight, awesome graphics, and I loved that its more like the cartoon and less from the crappy movies. Gameplay is lacking though, it practically does everything for you.

But cant pick the game up because my ps3 took a shit and won't read anything blu-ray right now


You have to replace the blu ray laser diode. Mine did the same thing. You can get the whole laser tray for 60-80 bucks. It's not very hard to replace. Look for instructions online.

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You have to replace the blu ray laser diode. Mine did the same thing. You can get the whole laser tray for 60-80 bucks. It's not very hard to replace. Look for instructions online.


you know a good place to buy one? I'm always suspicious of random ebay posts

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Game is amazing!!! I love everything about it. As you progress the bat suite gets torn and such. Its great. Best batman game evar!!! On ps3 you can play joker I'm sad but oh well the game is great I recommend it to anyone. Oh the bios you are talking about are cool as shit aswell.
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