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WTB: Xbox 360


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Yes and no. You get a 1 year manufactuers warrenty on the box from the date of sale. Ontop of that you get AT LEAST a 3 year total extended warrenty if the box RROD's. I say at least because If you bitch enough with RROD you will get everything you want and a cookie because microsoft knows its a problem with old and new xbox's alike. They can't fix the problem so they are forced to tend to the customer when it comes to a problem like that.


That being said if the box is a year or so older I wouldn't bother with it, and if it was 3 years older HELL no cause if it breaks ur SOL. And repairs can be costly, not even worth it for the most part. Given a new Powersupply that I know cost over $100 least when I was looking to buy one from Microsoft.

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