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Attention Michigan Fans


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That doesn't help you very much, that bitch looks hit.




Go Blue.

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That doesn't help you very much, that bitch looks hit.




Go Blue.


Thats ravin riley...



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OSU could still be the most overrated team in college football. Oh wait, that's already be voted as true.


Ah, Michigan grammar is evidently as great as their football team. Oh, and good job posting a picture of a bunch of girls with Michigan emblems photoshopped on their bathing suits! Its ok, we know that models aren't really THAT stupid.

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Thats ravin riley...




And she still looks hit???


Michigan loses to teas such as D2 Appalachian State and Toldeo, OSU loses to top 5 teams. Michigan last won a NC (by the media vote) is 97', OSU won in 03 in an actual game. I would rather be over rated rather then not even rated...


Yeah, you'd rather be overrated, than rated the best college football team in history. I forgot, you know everything and anything about football. :rolleyes:


Ah, Michigan grammar is evidently as great as their football team. Oh, and good job posting a picture of a bunch of girls with Michigan emblems photoshopped on their bathing suits! Its ok, we know that models aren't really THAT stupid.


Oh yeah, typos are a grammar no-no. Seeing as how spelling has nothing to do with grammar. I guess word comprehension is left at the trailer park when you own a Camaro.

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And she still looks hit???




Yeah, you'd rather be overrated, than rated the best college football team in history. I forgot, you know everything and anything about football. :rolleyes:




Oh yeah, typos are a grammar no-no. Seeing as how spelling has nothing to do with grammar. I guess word comprehension is left at the trailer park when you own a Camaro.



Firstly, you live in Grovetucky. Cut the trailer park bullshit.




"Oh wait, that's already be voted as true."


I don't see anything that isn't spelled correctly there??? Just some broken sentence, akin to something Paul would post. Maybe you're the one that needs to figure out what word comprehension is.


Fuck Dick Rod and all his cronies.

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Firstly, you live in Grovetucky. Cut the trailer park bullshit.




"Oh wait, that's already be voted as true."


I don't see anything that isn't spelled correctly there??? Just some broken sentence, akin to something Paul would post. Maybe you're the one that needs to figure out what word comprehension is.


Fuck Dick Rod and all his cronies.


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Jon, its okay. You don't have to get all upset because your team sucks... Shit, i'd be pretty cranky too if I was a Michigan fan... Haha.


At least you have good taste in MEN.


I thought he was gay, thanks for the confirmation. He must find the misty eyed Rodriguez dreamy. Fag.

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