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You have a very un-healthy obsession with this to the point of epic lolz.

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Yeah, go bucks. :rolleyes: Almost got beat by Navy, if they wouldn't have played so sloppy they would have beaten OSU. No wonder why they are the most overrated team in college football.


Yeah, I forgot what a jackass you are over the off season. Lets hope your obsessive hatred for OSU doesn't cause you a heart attack.


Please think about this:


You are playing a team with a very unconventional offense. You will not see any other team with that offense again this year.


They happen to have led the nation in rushing last year, because of this offense.


Do you spend all of fall camp preparing to defend this, even though no one else runs it?


OSU played a conservative offense, holding their cards close to the chest to not give away anything to USC.


The defense got burned today and needs some work, but again they will never see this type of offense again.


Overrated, maybe? Talk to me next Saturday at midnite. Then we all will know who is overated. Until then, go play in traffic.

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It gives me epic lulz to get all the OSUck fan's panties in a bind.


21-0, we look damn good too.


Yeah some people go a bit far. I find most stick and ball sports fans very funny anymore.


ESPN tells them what the truth is and they gulb down the Kool-Aid like a thirsty fat kid.


At least ESPN has not latched onto MMA that much and vomited their bias on it.


This Michigan game is cracking me up you would think they are beating Florida lol...

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y would we put in the 2nd string qb. aftre just 1 td? what was the point in that makes no sence to me. we would of had another 7 points it we would of left pryer in,,,,,


also how about that punt save at the 1yrd line. WOW what a play

because if pryor gets hurt our back up QB has some game time, and for everyone that keeps saying we almost got beat by navy lets not forget they've been the leading rushing offense the past 4 years, Navy will have a good season this year and will get to another bowl game when its over

Edited by SinisterSS
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Fucking ugly performance today. They need to seriously step up the pace to have a chance against USC.

true, there's much needed room for improvement, the offensive line needs to step up and give pryor some time and better protection, but this is the first game of the season gotta get the jitters out and get in sync

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Fucking ugly performance today. They need to seriously step up the pace to have a chance against USC.


usc is saying the same thing. the y looked like shit untill sjsu got tired. We need to step it up and i fear a usc loss, but if we pull any punches and dont for throat early often we are fucked. tressel is a bitch and needs to go big early.

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Michigan will be blown out of the water by Notre Dame...anyone catch that game 14/18 315yards by Clausen. Notre Dame will win 9 and be in a BCS game. Michigan did look better, they need to find a way to get the freshmen qb on the field at all times, I think his last name is Robinson?


Navy runs a triple option which is a bitch to defend against. They are the only team OSU will face that runs that damn thing, plus they are very good at running it...apparently. I also feel Tress wasn't showing all the guns just yet. Pryor's passing is leaps and bounds above where it was last year at this time and that can't hurt him against USC. Brandon Saine looks like he wants to be the main running back this year, showed great burst and wasn't afraid to get hit. O-line def needs work I will give you that one


I dont think USC will run all over OSU like they did against SJSU. That will force Barkley to air it out and the kid throws picks (18 ints his sr year in hs). Funny how all summer all you heard was negative things about him tossing picks, then Corp gets hurt and he's the golden boy. Usually you hype up your biggest weakness in an attempt to psyche the opponent out. 105k fans at the shoe is nothing like 90k where USC plays. Ask Vince Young he was quoted "thats the loudest, most hostile and hardest place I have ever played" talking about the Horseshoe.


I think the secondary for OSU needs to pick it up. I say bench Russell and start Hines at the other safety spot opposite Kurt Coleman. Tressell is too loyal to seniors, thats why Cordle is at Tackle, Russell and Spitler are starters. He needs to let the players be players and play without worrying about fucking up. Turn em loose.


I feel more confident this year against USC then I did last year...thats if they can stop the running game.

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I was pleased with Michigan today, to be honest.


During the OSU game, I went apeshit when Tress pulled Pryor in the second quarter just for some second-string action. Seriously, get a real good lead going before pulling the first string in the godamn second quarter. I felt the offense was pretty good but our defense needs some serious tuning.

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Every one is concerned with the D for some reason. Navy averaged 289 yards rushing last year a game. No one in the country puts up numbers like that. My concern is with the O-Line and the play calling. OSU out weighed navy by 40 lbs (osu o-line vs navy d-line) and couldn't budge em. How the hell are they going to bully USC's guys around? If by some miracle they can do that then OSU will be just fine.


The only concern I have on D is Anderson Russell, the dude gets burnt all the time. Last year vs Texas who got beat and allowed the game winning td to happen? Today who allowed the only 2 passing TD's? Ding ding ding Anderson Russell. Its time to move Coleman over to SS and put Hines in at FS and let him become a Taylor Mayes type game changing head hunter. He is too damn good to only put in on Nickle packages.


All in all the b10 did not look good on opening day.

OSU struggled with navy

Illinois got destroyed by Missiouri who is supposedly rebuilding

Iowa had to block 2 fg's with 7 seconds left to beat a d2 school

Minnesota had to goto overtime against Syracuse

Indiana had a hard time thursday for a minute

Purdue looked ok...

Penn State, Michigan St and Michigan were the most impressive honestly.

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