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Internet Service Provider?


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If it's available in your area, go Wide Open West.

I've had them, Time Warner, and AT&T and Illnever again give another dime to TW or AT&T if I can avoid it. They both have the worst customer service. When I had Time Warner, my cable/ internet would go out for at least an hour every day, and my cable boxes would crash 2 or 3 times a day. A bunch of trips by service techs and 6 months later, still not working. This was happening at a few of my neighbor's houses as well. They finally fixed it when I told them I was switching to WOW, but I still switched and have never had a problem with WOW.

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+1 TW was terrible. I was on the phone for hours trying to get them to just speak to me so that I could tell them the internet was out. And it would go out waaay too often.

I have insight. Its $80 for high speed internet & cable ... not super cheap, but it always works!

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  • 3 months later...

I cant decide between WOW and insight... Im getting cable/internet bundle. They will basically be the same price -/+ 5 bucks, BUT insight has Speed channel in HD and wow does not... thats kinda a big deal. Thoughts?

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Damn, wow doesnt have the travel channel in HD either. I have to watch bizarre foods in HD. Wow's HD line up isnt so hot, they try to make it seem longer by adding HBO and Cinnemax on there along with other channels i wont get, but im not gonna be buying those so that makes the list even shorter... I am thinkin insight may be the way to go here...

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WOW cable.

Faster, more reliable, three _free_ IP addresses, better customer service, effectivly the same price as TW cable.

Insight is owned by TW, hmm....

DSL is slower than cable.

DSL speed ads are "Neglecting wind resistance, downhill, if you get out and push speeds".

In real life, never happens.

When comparing $$ don't forget to ad the cost of basic phone service to the DSL $

So $35 becomes $50+

If they are running fiber to your house they _may_ pull all the copper lines out so you can't go back if you don't like it without $$$!

Edited by Strictly Street
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I have At&t and will never go back to insight or time warner. Had At&t for a year now never lost service, never had any slow downs. I just got cable from them and its not the best sound delay every once in a while, reminds me of old godzilla movies. Back to the internet, I do have an advantage with being right next to the fiber box and having a dedicated line ran straight to my house. Its nice no sharing on a community line like insight or time warner. Ok well there's my two cents.

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uverse is not available in my area, so at&t is not an option.... and I will NOT have a working home phone. Both wow and insight are cable internet... so I thought?

Edited by yotaman88210
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Fuck road runner. They will always try to jack up your bill. after 7 months of calls I finally got my bill to $72 for high speed internet, cable w/ dvr. Every other month they try to add $20 of bullshit fees to my bill and I have to spend time calling them just to get my bill corrected. Service goes in and out- and it takes them at least a week to get it corrected.

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