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Kanye West = Biggest Douche Canoe of them all


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and for the above video


-"give a black man a chance"----Kanye sells a shitload of albums....very well off

-"get britney spears....a real artist.".........hahahahhaa

-"fuck this pop shit"......kanye you are pop.....and so is britney spears

-"i want to kill myself".....what I wish he would of said......and done

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I don't understand how some of you say it can't be a race thing. A: If it was a 16/17 year old black girl, instead of Taylor nothing would have been said, by Kayne. B: I can't even imagine a white guy doing this to a black girl.... It just seems black people are more/socially accepted racists. Props to Beyonce, great job hands down, when I saw what she did it gave me goose bumps.
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Why is it that someone always pulls the racism card? Do you not get it? Kanye is just ignorant, stupid, selfish, etc..etc.. He thought she had the best video because he had something to do with it! He thinks he is the best rapper/producer/director in the world (which he is not) Leave it at that!
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Why is it that someone always pulls the racism card? Do you not get it? Kanye is just ignorant, stupid, selfish, etc..etc.. He thought she had the best video because he had something to do with it! He thinks he is the best rapper/producer/director in the world (which he is not) Leave it at that!


I would tend to agree more with you on this one... it may MAY be about 5% race thing but 95 or more percent that he is just a asshole...


I think it would ahve been the greatest moment in history if taylor would have took back the mic and punched kanye square in the face... and then added that to one of her music videos...


BUT then he might say well it is only a good video cause I am in it lol

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Why is it that someone always pulls the racism card? Do you not get it? Kanye is just ignorant, stupid, selfish, etc..etc.. He thought she had the best video because he had something to do with it! He thinks he is the best rapper/producer/director in the world (which he is not) Leave it at that!


I think honestly the main reason race is ever an issue anymore is because some people want it to be. Look at all the people white, black or anything else. Someone always has to play the race card. 99% of the crap that goes on has nothing to do with race until someone comes running screaming "He is a racist", "he steppen on my shoe because he is racist". Let it go for god's sake. I am not saying that it doesnt exist but I think the race card gets played way too much which creates all this crap.

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And in the end...



Kanye wins! Instead of ignoring his ignorant act you are googling him, making/ finding photochops, talking about him, and making him more of a household name.


If I were Kanye, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, or the VMA's I would say.. "Thank you to all the forums, tv shows, and social networking sites. You made millions of people that didnt watch the vma's, or listen to our music do just that. Now people that never knew who we are as artists know who we are. All of our stock just went up thanks to you. Please continue talking about this for as long as possible."

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