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Illegal search and seziure on bethel tonight

Trouble Maker

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I don't understand why they need to set up check points. 99% of people stop at stoplights already. Why not have a few cops with flashlights and reflective vests checking out the drivers waiting on the light to change for the signs and symptoms of intoxication? Check points just remind me of Iraq for some reason...
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Guest tbutera2112

whats the big deal? theyre getting drunk drivers off the road...


i dont understand how its unreasonable search and seizure, they arent asking you you to step out of your car and searching it, and they arent stealing your big mac because they missed lunch that day....theyre stopping you, saying hello, asking you a couple questions, and sending you on your way....are you saying its illegal for them to make you stop? would a red light, or a flagger in a construction zone, etc be a breach of your rights? or is it them asking you questions that is the illegal part? hell no matter where you go, you get asked questions...go get a license renewal at the bmv and they ask you all kinds of questions about alcohol and driving etc.....no matter which part you disagree with, the stopping or the questions, neither one of those is searching you or your vehicle, and neither of them is seizing anything from you....if you get stopped at a checkpoint and asked to step out of your vehicle, theres a reason for it...they dont have time to make random people step outta their vehicles at a checkpoint due to the high number of people cruizing through them




The CPD says they are doing a DUI checkpoint. They announce it on the news and so on. If you go that route you are giving the implied consent to be stopped. At that point, they will determine if there is probable to investigate further. It's simple.


this ^.


if you dont want them to search you or seize your alcohol, then next time you leave the bar hammered, avoid driving where they have already told you they will be stopping people....you volunteered to be stopped when you drove through the checkpoint when there was alternate routes you could travel

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They post it on the news and radio where they are.

Any person that goes through is on a public street.

they don't randomly tear your car apart for no reason, they look in your window.

It is more than reasonable.

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They post it on the news and radio where they are.

Any person that goes through is on a public street.

they don't randomly tear your car apart for no reason, they look in your window.

It is more than reasonable.


No no no... the cops are forcing everyone in the city to drive through there. They have blocked off all alt routes in the area.

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The idea of having to pass through a checkpoint for ANY reason while going about a person's daily routine (aside from entering/leaving secured areas) is an absolute violation of the intent of the Constitution, PERIOD. This bullshit about "consenting" to a checkpoint, just because they've published where they're going to be stationed is nothing but a dodge.
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The idea of having to pass through a checkpoint for ANY reason while going about a person's daily routine (aside from entering/leaving secured areas) is an absolute violation of the intent of the Constitution, PERIOD. This bullshit about "consenting" to a checkpoint, just because they've published where they're going to be stationed is nothing but a dodge.


We agree.

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The idea of0 having to pass through a checkpoint for ANY reason while going about a person's daily routine (aside from entering/leaving secured areas) is an absolute violation of the intent of the Constitution, PERIOD. This bullshit about "consenting" to a checkpoint, just because they've published where they're going to be stationed is nothing but a dodge.


You screwed your own argument. You don't HAVE to go through anything.

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You screwed your own argument. You don't HAVE to go through anything.

Wrong. There have been many instances where the police have pursued cars that turned around in the road rather than continue to a checkpoint. The first time that happened, that argument became null. Most of the time when they do these checkpoints, they set it up so the only way you can avoid them once you've actually seen them is to make an illegal U-turn, so they run you down and ticket you for that. And even if they DON'T chase you down and ticket you, they've STILL forced you to undertake an illegal action to avoid the checkpoint.


I don't give a shit whether their "consent" laws are technically legal or not, and I don't care what shitty, weasel arguments anyone uses to try and justify these things. A U.S. citizen should NEVER have to pass through a checkpoint for ANY reason, save the secured areas I mentioned before, such as national borders, airports, and military/government properties.


And if anyone thinks I'm a drunk, or I'm soft on drunks, I invite you to read this thread, where I make my opinion of drunk drivers VERY clear.


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Wrong. There have been many instances where the police have pursued cars that turned around in the road rather than continue to a checkpoint. The first time that happened, that argument became null. Most of the time when they do these checkpoints, they set it up so the only way you can avoid them once you've actually seen them is to make an illegal U-turn, so they run you down and ticket you for that.


I don't give a shit whether their "consent" laws are technically legal or not, and I don't care what shitty, weasel arguments anyone uses to try and justify these things. A U.S. citizen should NEVER have to pass through a checkpoint for ANY reason, save the secured areas I mentioned before, such as national borders, airports, and military/government properties.


And if anyone thinks I'm a drunk, or I'm soft on drunks, I invite you to read this thread, where I make my opinion of drunk drivers VERY clear.


Well lets see. Turning around AT a checkpoint would be probable cause. Just as much as seeing a cop and turning around and going the other way. Same damn thing.


Also, once again, you DO NOT HAVE TO GO THROUGH THE CHECKPOINT. I went to my GF's house friday night. I got off 315 on Henderson road, came up Reed, went to her place on Bethel across from the Kroger. I didn't get chased, I didn't get stopped, and I made my own decision to not go through the checkpoint. You are arguing something that is false.


PLUS, U-turns are illegal in the city of Columbus, so that doesn't make ANY argument null and void as the car just committed a traffic violation.


Once again, tell me how they are forcing people to go through a checkpoint. Please.

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You screwed your own argument. You don't HAVE to go through anything.


:lol: You must not be serious. I would like to see you turn around and not go through the check point. You will be chased down, pulled over and harassed!


When I was in college I delivered pizza's in Missouri and they would have cops sitting on all of the side roads leading away from the check point, if you turn down a side road you got pulled over, and questioned. Typically they would ask were you were going, my favorite answer is to point down the road and answer "that way officer". The po po dont like that answer too well.

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:lol: You must not be serious. I would like to see you turn around and not go through the check point. You will be chased down, pulled over and harassed!


When I was in college I delivered pizza's in Missouri and they would have cops sitting on all of the side roads leading away from the check point, if you turn down a side road you got pulled over, and questioned. Typically they would ask were you were going, my favorite answer is to point down the road and answer "that way officer". The po po dont like that answer too well.


I had a friend who went that way Friday night and turned into the shopping center. No cops came after him, no cops questioned him.


Missouri /= Ohio.


But look, you have gone to a strawman argument outside the basic realm of the checkpoint scenario.


You still don't have to go through shit. I didn't have any cops chasing me down Henderson road when I took an alt. route. Explain that?

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Guest tbutera2112
taking a different route is not the same as driving up to the checkpoint and pulling an illegal u turn and going the other direction... instead of going down bethel, go down henderson... theres like 10 ways to get to any place you want to go....they announced they will be on bethel, its not like they surprised anyone by it
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I had a friend who went that way Friday night and turned into the shopping center. No cops came after him, no cops questioned him.


Missouri /= Ohio.


But look, you have gone to a strawman argument outside the basic realm of the checkpoint scenario.


You still don't have to go through shit. I didn't have any cops chasing me down Henderson road when I took an alt. route. Explain that?


on new years I turn into a parking lot and went the other, not because i was drinking (had zero drinks) but because i didnt want to wait in line and nobody even cared.

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I had a friend who went that way Friday night and turned into the shopping center. No cops came after him, no cops questioned him.


Missouri /= Ohio.


But look, you have gone to a strawman argument outside the basic realm of the checkpoint scenario.


You still don't have to go through shit. I didn't have any cops chasing me down Henderson road when I took an alt. route. Explain that?


Just speaking of my own experience.

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taking a different route is not the same as driving up to the checkpoint and pulling an illegal u turn and going the other direction... instead of going down bethel, go down henderson... theres like 10 ways to get to any place you want to go....they announced they will be on bethel, its not like they surprised anyone by it


Anyone who think that pulling a maneuver at anytime in any sitauation to avoid a sitting or waiting cop isn't suspicious is basically a dumbass.


Crossing the street when you see a black person is called being racist.


Turning around when you see a cop is a violation of our rights?



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Anyone who think that pulling a maneuver at anytime in any sitauation to avoid a sitting or waiting cop isn't suspicious is basically a dumbass.



Maybe I forgot the loaf of bread the wife wanted my to pick up.

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U turns are not illegal in all areas.


U turns are illegal everywhere in the city of Columbus. Are we not talking about the checkpoint this past friday night?


Plus, why are you still dodging the question of whether or not you feel that looks suspicious?


Are you one of those people that feels that cops should only be 100% reactionary?

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Lets face it there are some people that are perfectly fine with giving up their rights. This is exactly why we have boarder patrol stops 50+ miles inside the US, DUI stops and the infamous seat belt checkpoints. The intrusion on our rights will continue until we have a revolution.
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