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who works for verizon still? Storm 2 release date?

Stallion Motorsports1647545491

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i know there were several guys here that worked for verizon, some quit some stayed. if someone knows the offical release date for the Blackberry 9700/Storm 2 please let me know. i am tired of getting crappy gylde replacements that still dont work, and if it comes out soon enough i will just wait for it. okthxbye



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  • 3 weeks later...
Any bets that it will be even worse than the first storm?


I bet it will fucking suck as much as the first one.


I had to do 43 of them at work the other day. Doing a normal BlackBerry, like a curve, takes about an hour to do that many. How long did it take me to do the Storms? A day and a half.


Fuck this phone, worst fucking device ever created.

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