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a snake that can high-five

Science Abuse

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Crazy. It encoded enter their genome. Old world restictors (boas, etc.) actually have a vestigial rear legs. I'll see if I can find a skeleton pic right quick. :zoom:


Ok, it's only a drawing, but what the hell. I ain't got all night.



BTW, whales have them, too.

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Looking at it... I wonder if there isn't a similarly colored lizard in there, with one arm jutting out an injury int he side of the snake.


That's what I'm thinking. It certainly looks like there's something in the stomach right about where the claw is. Although the woman said she heard scratching on her wall...but possibly the lizard was alive and still kicking a little bit, thus scratching the wall?


Although the pattern on the leg is very similar to the pattern on the snake. I'm sure genetic mutations like this are more common than we generally think about. I mean hey, every once in a while a person is born with a tail...

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China = Dean Qiongxiu, 66, said she discovered the reptile clinging to the wall of her bedroom with its talons in the middle of the night. :eek:


USA = Best place on earth to live.


Part of me wonders if they have been conducting chemical / nuclear testing in that part of the world and it's just a matter of time before this woman grows a leg out of her own stomach. That leg being cancer.

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China = Dean Qiongxiu, 66, said she discovered the reptile clinging to the wall of her bedroom with its talons in the middle of the night. :eek:


USA = Best place on earth to live.


Part of me wonders if they have been conducting chemical / nuclear testing in that part of the world and it's just a matter of time before this woman grows a leg out of her own stomach. That leg being cancer.


Right. The US does no chemical or nuclear testing.

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Right. The US does no chemical or nuclear testing.


1. Never saw a snake clinging to the wall of my house

2. Have never seen nuclear/chemical testing near my house either.


Over there, they just plain don't give a fuck, so I wouldn't put it past them.

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