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Possible Causes of a No Start on a 00 CBR 600 F4


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  natedogg624 said:
take the fuel line off or unplug the coils?

if you take the fuel line off how would that product make its way from the tank to the carbs...?

You don't put it in the tank at all !!

remove the line from the tank, not the carbs !:rolleyes:

if you got a fuel pump in the tank, just let it gravity feed into the carbs. Shits GREAT ! I'll post up a pic of the stuff later !

Edited by Catman
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  Catman said:
Where the hell is tiffin ??

I could probably help if close by ?

tiffin is about 1 hr 45 min. north of columbus, 30 min east of findlay. 50 min south of toledo, haha does that help?

And I really appreciate everyone help and input, i really like this site, everyone is very close and willing to help everyone out, it really means a lot :)

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alright, After i got home from work, i went out to the garage and tore it down, drained the carbs again, sprayed carb cleaner in each carb and cranked, it fired up, only for a second, then died, now i know its not getting any/ enough fuel, so i put my mouth on the feed line and blew (haha, no comments plz) and pushed fuel back into carbs, cranked nothing, sprayed a shit ton of carb cleaner into fuel line until full, and cranked again, took a while, of doing this, but it finally fired, missed and chugged, then came alive, then died, filled again, and put tank back on and hooked it up, fired up again, but i have no throttle control just stayes revved at 5000 and no difference if choke on or not, so i keep playing with it ( again no comments) and when it got a little heat in it, it started to run better, and choke made a difference then, and i had throttle control again, and idle came down to 1400, awesome!! had a little hesitation, but thats to be expected.. hoppped on and took her for a ride, runs just like it did before, so to sum it up.. im sure the carbs were just gummed up, but carb cleaner cleared it up for now...and a friend just got a 01 corvette with a chip, exhaust and intake and was talking mad shit about how fast it was, and i said, ok, lets race, lol, he backed off right away lol. but anyways thanks for all the help and input, i am looking foreward to spring and doing some riding with u all!


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  natedogg624 said:
how long did you try and crank it? maybe you gave up to early?

Congradulations on getting your bike started!

So really what was the cause of your no start?

I don't think your carbs were plugged to the point of not starting because you said that your plugs were wet.

I suggest that the gas in your fuel bowls went bad then filling your cylinders with bad gas so even after draining your bowls it may have taken quite a bit of cranking before starting.

Now you could say that the carb cleaner made it start, what if you had just put air in your back tire then it started, did the air make it start?

Anyways glad you got it started.

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  phugitive said:
What so funny?

we all get bummed when they don't start then pumped when we get goin again !!

Just seemed all fired up and was funny. Glad it's goin again, didn't mean anything by it !!

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yea, the more i think about it, i dont think the plugs were fouled, the garage its in has very bad lighting, only 2 bulbs, so its kinda dark, and the new plugs were all white and looked as it it never fired on them, and i kinda assumed it was flooded cause i could smell gas in the air, but i was wrong, it really was not passing gas thru it, because just a little carb cleaner in the carbs and it took right off, and it took a while of running on its own at 5000 rpm before the choke had any effect, then a while longer before the throttle did anything. but deffenitly glad its running again. :)

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  Mister2 said:
and it took right off, and it took a while of running on its own at 5000 rpm before the choke had any effect, then a while longer before the throttle did anything. but deffenitly glad its running again. :)

Running on its own at 5000? Weird throttle? ...Kinda sounds like a vacuum leak. Maybe heat from running sealed it back up.

Keep an eye/ear our for revving at stop lights (at normal operating temps) without touching the throttle.

Just a thought... sounds like my buddies YZF1000..

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