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Hunting in my backyard. Legal?


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IDK where you're at on RNA road, but you may be outside of city limits


when i was ~13ish, i was "dating" a girl whos parents owned mr. tree farm...first thing i ever killed was a rabbit while hunting the treefarm. H&R 12ga single shot w/ full choke from ~15 yards away = what looked like a pillow exploding. and i mainly hit its ass.

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  OH8STi said:
meh, we have a deer population that is far to big. I may have killed them before out of season to use as coyote bate and im not a poacher.


Yes, you are.


To take (fish or game) illegally.


Don't take deer illegally.

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Alright, this thread has become annoying to me and you seem to have the answer you're looking for. ie: You're prob alright bow hunting in your back yard, depending on whether or not you're inside city limits you may be ok to hunt with a shot gun. Hunting in Ohio with a rifle is called poaching, and poaching is bad. Unless you're poaching eggs, which is apparently allowable.


But I'll add: make DAMNED sure you don't chase the deer onto a public road. You're likely opening yourself to a law suit if you cause an accident.


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No Jason


Hunting with a rifle isn't poaching. Its simply illegal.

Edit - I was wrong on this, any form of illegally taking an animal is poaching. Including using the wrong weapon to kill it.


If the guy is in city limits, he needs to get an antlerless urban deer permit:



Archery season started a couple days ago. If he wants to hunt that way, then he needs to go to wherever sells hunting licenses/permits (probably any gun store) and see what permit he needs for where he lives. If he wants to use shotgun, that season is from November 30 to December 6. Again, making sure that he can legally use shotgun where he lives.



Hunting out of season - poaching. Hunting without deer tags - poaching.


The reason that the DNR sets things up the way they do is so they can keep track as to about how many deer their are in the state, so they can adjust bag limits to either keep the population in check, or preserve the population depending on how things are going. For example, in parts of PA right now the deer population has thinned otu way too much from overhunting, to the point where you can barely hunt them there any more. If the OP wants to hunt in his back yard, there are legal ways to do it.

Edited by copperhead
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