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Fuck parking at CSCC, and Cell Phones in the library.


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The Delaware campus will open next fall with one big ass building, they will be adding more buildings in the years to come.


The Delaware building is nice, but isn't that big. The company I intern with has a contract with them for the HVAC controls. I carried a 12 foot ladder all over it for a couple days earlier this summer setting up ceiling-mounted air-flow boxes, so I became pretty familiar with it. This was before the steel staircases were in...try carrying a ladder up a ladder some time :eek:


There will be a shit-ton of parking there though, I will give it that :).

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When paying for yourself, it's much easier to get the majority of your major (ie all the BS classes, humanities, math) done at CSCC than OSU or wherever, simply due to cost.


I try to get shit stirred up and here you guys go giving me serious responses :(


But anyways, I used to drive by CSCC a lot during the summer for work, and most of down town for that matter. Lets just say parking sucks everywhere.

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since when did they have these? i do this at work park in a spot but i also park so that 3 other bikes are able to park there as well so we share a parking spot.


an shut ur pie hole bikes are vehiclees as well an have every right to park in a parking spot lol


There is one in the teacher lot right off of Cleveland, another down the road from that in the front visitor lot, and yet another 2 sections up front in the big lot across from the parking garage....since I have been there. ANNND people in the auto dept. usually park their bikes in the auto shop at one end if you ask permission.



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When paying for yourself, it's much easier to get the majority of your major (ie all the BS classes, humanities, math) done at CSCC than OSU or wherever, simply due to cost.


Hell yeah it is. but i didnt end up transferring.. Ive heard the classes are so much easier too, especially math, which i have to take a lot more of. Ill keep this in mind though, been thinking of taking some of the BS classes there for awhile

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