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I had it done in jan it is not that bad. I had the nose fixed at the same time. 1 thing I learned the hard way is watch how much icecream and such you eat as I was eating almost soley icecrean and the milk did not want to swallow to well and I thought I was gonna choke to death at one point and had to cough it up (yes it hurt like hell). Oh and NO pop the fizz hurts
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I had mine done when I was 18. The first week was CAKE; didn't even phase me. (I actually got into a shouting match with my mother about 3 hours post-op because she wouldn't let me drive over to a friends due to the anesthesia [i felt fine] ).


Week 2-3, sucked...hard. I attribute this to wound drying up and scabbing over. I didn't eat anything for those 2 weeks. I'm talking, damn near nothing. Maybe a snack pack a day, if that. It hurt so bad to swallow, I just didn't do it. I actually lost almost 40lb. in those 2 weeks alone. Best diet I ever went on.


Then there was the blood lugies...Jesus, those sucked. At one point, I thought I was going to choke to death as I coughed up a blue/purple/redish glob of shit about the size of a golf ball. After that was gone, I felt 10000000x better.


Anyways, that's my story.

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I had mine done when I was 18. The first week was CAKE; didn't even phase me. (I actually got into a shouting match with my mother about 3 hours post-op because she wouldn't let me drive over to a friends due to the anesthesia [i felt fine] ).


Week 2-3, sucked...hard. I attribute this to wound drying up and scabbing over. I didn't eat anything for those 2 weeks. I'm talking, damn near nothing. Maybe a snack pack a day, if that. It hurt so bad to swallow, I just didn't do it. I actually lost almost 40lb. in those 2 weeks alone. Best diet I ever went on.


Then there was the blood lugies...Jesus, those sucked. At one point, I thought I was going to choke to death as I coughed up a blue/purple/redish glob of shit about the size of a golf ball. After that was gone, I felt 10000000x better.


Anyways, that's my story.


This is exactly what I was looking for. The scabbing is what worries me...


If you had to do it again would you?

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My wife had it done a few years back and had no problems. They burn them out with lasers. I don't think she was allowed to talk for like 2 days after (best peace in the world). She ate ice cream, milk shakes and instant potatoes for like a week and then was fine.
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My former roommate had it done last year. It was tough for him for about a week. One night I got woken up by him with blood all over his face and shirt, asking me to drive him to the hospital. The wound somehow opened while he was sleeping, nasty. Had to get it re-cauterized, so he basically had to go through the procedure twice.
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as was mentioned before, the blood lugies are the most horrifying thing in the whole procedure. I've had my adenoids out twice (yes, they grow back) and the 2nd time they yanked my tonsils as well b/c i'd gotten strep or tonsilitis, like you, about 6 times in a year.


Week 1: Beginning of week 1 I was on some hardcore painkillers (days 1-3 oxycodone, days 3-7 hydrocodone) and despite not eating anything one of my sutures ruptured. @ emergency room they had to "clean" the area which apparently meant sending an intern who had no idea what he was doing in with a vacuum hose to suck away scabbing so new clots could form. by far the 2nd most painful procedure i've ever had done (after a spinal tap), but only because the kid had no idea what he was doing and it took over an hour. More painful than having a tube shoved up my nose and down my throat to my stomach to see if I was actively bleeding, but that's another story.


Week 2: I was off the painkillers and driving around when I started to taste iron, so I look in the mirror and see there's blood dribbling from the corners of my mouth and my tongue is drowning in blood. Drove to the emergency room and had the procedure done again on the opposite side, this time by some guys who actually knew what the fuck they were doing and was out with almost no pain in 15 minutes.


I'd suggest getting the procedure done. The week of hell was well worth it for never having to deal with that shit ever again. I breathe better at night and don't get tonsilitis.

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as was mentioned before, the blood lugies are the most horrifying thing in the whole procedure. I've had my adenoids out twice (yes, they grow back) and the 2nd time they yanked my tonsils as well b/c i'd gotten strep or tonsilitis, like you, about 6 times in a year.


Week 1: Beginning of week 1 I was on some hardcore painkillers (days 1-3 oxycodone, days 3-7 hydrocodone) and despite not eating anything one of my sutures ruptured. @ emergency room they had to "clean" the area which apparently meant sending an intern who had no idea what he was doing in with a vacuum hose to suck away scabbing so new clots could form. by far the 2nd most painful procedure i've ever had done (after a spinal tap), but only because the kid had no idea what he was doing and it took over an hour. More painful than having a tube shoved up my nose and down my throat to my stomach to see if I was actively bleeding, but that's another story.


Week 2: I was off the painkillers and driving around when I started to taste iron, so I look in the mirror and see there's blood dribbling from the corners of my mouth and my tongue is drowning in blood. Drove to the emergency room and had the procedure done again on the opposite side, this time by some guys who actually knew what the fuck they were doing and was out with almost no pain in 15 minutes.


I'd suggest getting the procedure done. The week of hell was well worth it for never having to deal with that shit ever again. I breathe better at night and don't get tonsilitis.


NG tubes. I love putting those in people. :D

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Just found out my cheap ass employer is going with a new insurance company in January so I kinda have no choice but to do it now or pay a $3000 deductible next year (currently my deductable is 0).



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