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Iphone vs. Pocket PC: APPS


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Wondering if some of you could shed some light on the difference in apps between the two.


Using my phone currently for nothing but making calls but interested in catching up with the world and either moving to an iphone or pocket PC.


I was under the impression that Iphone apps are everywhere, available for everything and either cheap or free in most cases.


However as I start searching around it looks like most of the same apps are available for a Pocket PC based phone as well. Particularly the one or two that I'd be most interested in. And in many cases there's free sources for them.


So are the apps THAT much better on the iphone? From what I've seen the rest of the services are comparable and one thing that's important to me is performance as a PHONE first where it seems like staying with Verizon and getting a pocket PC might just be best for me in the long run. Too many of my close friends that are huge iPhone advocates will openly admit the service still very much sucks.


The allure of the iphone is strong though.



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I'll wait for Jason to chime his gay ass in, but I think I can help. I have used both and might offer my unbiased opinion.



Iphone if you want ease of use, tons of apps that are a click away, and for the most part, a pretty stable platform.


WinMo if you want a ridiculous amount of customization, IE: completely changing the OS at a whim, tons of hacks, serious networking tools if you are in IT, ect. With this comes a bit of standard windows instability and at times, hard work to get it where you want it.


If you are a nerd at heart and lover tinkering with stuff all the time, Winmo is the way to go. If you want a platform that works out of the box and will suite 99% of your needs go Iphone.


For me, I love WinMo and am trying to find a TP2 at this time. I can't live without a hardware keyboard, and even after months, couldn't get use to the touchscreen keyboard. I love tinkering and re-flashing my phone all the time.

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Funny I don't really notice too much of a difference when I use it. Apps start a little faster and the Maps move now because of the compass. I guess the thing i use the most is the voice recognition.


going tonight to see if I want to make the move from my BB8800.

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Iphone if you want ease of use, tons of apps that are a click away, and for the most part, a pretty stable platform.


WinMo if you want a ridiculous amount of customization, IE: completely changing the OS at a whim, tons of hacks, serious networking tools if you are in IT, ect. With this comes a bit of standard windows instability and at times, hard work to get it where you want it.


Nailed it. If you like and can handle tinkering your phone then Winmo has more to give.

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I'll wait for Jason to chime his gay ass in, but I think I can help. I have used both and might offer my unbiased opinion.



Iphone if you want ease of use, tons of apps that are a click away, and for the most part, a pretty stable platform.


WinMo if you want a ridiculous amount of customization, IE: completely changing the OS at a whim, tons of hacks, serious networking tools if you are in IT, ect. With this comes a bit of standard windows instability and at times, hard work to get it where you want it.


If you are a nerd at heart and lover tinkering with stuff all the time, Winmo is the way to go. If you want a platform that works out of the box and will suite 99% of your needs go Iphone.


For me, I love WinMo and am trying to find a TP2 at this time. I can't live without a hardware keyboard, and even after months, couldn't get use to the touchscreen keyboard. I love tinkering and re-flashing my phone all the time.


agree with his statement.


im the same way i need a hardware keyboard, i can jsut get things done quicker.


and like jones said the customization on a WinMo phone is endless. everyday there is somethign new coming out.. and 99% of the time you can get it free.


i think a real smart phone. WinMo is more of a power user's phone, apple is more of a fun phone.

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So...to the iPhone people, how annoying is the shitty AT&T service.


Really my desire to move to a more capable phone is data and apps more than alot of the integrated technology for business (despite being in the IT field.). I think it makes more sense to go with the apple from that standpoint. Other than detailing stuff which I do all through web based mail I tend to like being able to leave work behind when I'm not there.



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So...to the iPhone people, how annoying is the shitty AT&T service.


Shitty AT&T service? I have AT&T with a Winmo phone and AT&T has given excellent service. Great connectivity and no dropped-calls. I can't speak for the iPhone, but I'd assume it's the same.

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I really have no problem with AT&T around here at all, aside from the stupid MMS thing as of late. That was stupid we just got that. I get 5 bars just about everywhere I go in central Ohio. I have a buddy that lives off of 3bs and a K Rd. in Delaware he just got an iPhone and he gets 5 bars of 3G there. AT&T is still updating towers and stuff, it's only going to get better. The new 7.2mb network speed is starting to be rolled out this year in major cities with smaller cities to follow in the next 2 years. 7.2Mb connection to a phone! SOme people have that as their Main ISP speed. I don't drop calls, I can't remember the last time I dropped a call to be truthful. I don't talk all that long on the phone though, a couple minutes here and there. I don't have hour long conversations.


I know an update has never fried my iPhone and Apple would never make me pay for another when their update damaged the phone. Verizon did this with my last phone from them, they told me tough, pay me for another phone.

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Funny I don't really notice too much of a difference when I use it. Apps start a little faster and the Maps move now because of the compass. I guess the thing i use the most is the voice recognition.


When I first got it I thought I wasted my money. I didn't see a diff. Now I use it all the time and the wife asks me to do something for her on her 3G..i realize how sluggish the 3G is.



So...to the iPhone people, how annoying is the shitty AT&T service.


I have never had one ounce of service trouble. Never been to a place yet where I didnt have service...except within Riverside hospital.

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..except within Riverside hospital.


!!!. Riverside has been a second home to me since April.


Wife was in there for 4 days straight last week with a MRSA infection :( The whole time I kept thinking how nice it would be to not have to lug my laptop down there to check the web and e-mail. Maybe not though.

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Jones has truth.


Apple is the more user-friendly and intuitive OS, tons of apps, and a beautiful phone to boot. Winmo is catching up in the aesthetics dept arguably, with some really nice phones, but the underlying software is in need of serious updating. Fuck 6.5.


My Mogul was hacked to bejeezus, running one of DCD's roms, and using SpB and a couple plugins to increase finger usability (the OS was built around a stylus and you can tell), but no matter what hacks I did, or whatever pretty skins, or launchers I used, the clicks still led to the same disjointed, utilitarian apps(though still highly usable). Tinkering to see what you could get was a lot of fun in Winmo though.


Now if you like linux I'd get a Pre. I have a functional terminal screen built into my phone. Fuck yes.

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Jones has truth.


Apple is the more user-friendly and intuitive OS, tons of apps, and a beautiful phone to boot. Winmo is catching up in the aesthetics dept arguably, with some really nice phones, but the underlying software is in need of serious updating. Fuck 6.5.


My Mogul was hacked to bejeezus, running one of DCD's roms, and using SpB and a couple plugins to increase finger usability (the OS was built around a stylus and you can tell), but no matter what hacks I did, or whatever pretty skins, or launchers I used, the clicks still led to the same disjointed, utilitarian apps(though still highly usable). Tinkering to see what you could get was a lot of fun in Winmo though.


Now if you like linux I'd get a Pre. I have a functional terminal screen built into my phone. Fuck yes.


Winmo 7 will never come out. :(

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Point me to links telling me more about Jail breaking a phone please.




jailbreak doesn't give you paid apps for free. if you want a $10 app from the appstore, then you still have to pay the appstore $10. however the jailbreak gives you access to other sources for apps that do similiar things as paid apps and alot of cooler things than paid apps for free. generally alot of geeky stuff that looks cool if you're smart enough not to brick your phone in the process.

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jailbreak doesn't give you paid apps for free. if you want a $10 app from the appstore, then you still have to pay the appstore $10. however the jailbreak gives you access to other sources for apps that do similiar things as paid apps and alot of cooler things than paid apps for free. generally alot of geeky stuff that looks cool if you're smart enough not to brick your phone in the process.


or you hop on appulous and get any paid app for free including that in the app store

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running psyki rom with winmo6.5 and manila on my touch pro and im loving it.

the touch pro kicks even more ass now..

love the facebook integration with the phone. it will update your contacts picture in the phone with there facebook picture. you can also call them directly from the facebook app if you do so desire. pretty cool shit

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