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Iphone vs. Pocket PC: APPS


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As a follow up. We went and shopped and compared last night.


The Verizon WinMo devices were much nicer than I expected them to be. I particularly liked the HTC Touch Pro2. I really think that being a Techy that I would have had alot of fun with the WinMo machines and spent quite a bit of time dicking around with them.


However, my wife was the driving force behind the update / switch and the iPhone was soo much more user friendly and intuative for her that it was the clear winner hands down. We've been toying around with switching our cable and internet to AT&T for some time too based on their offerings and price and with the current promotions to switch everything our services came out to about a wash when you put everything together.


So I ended up with a 3GS iPhone. Ironically at one point today I already had a service issue and had to reboot the phone to get service back. Dunno what happened there.


I'd be interested in some of the jailbreak technology....but my phone is loaded with OS 3.1 already. Looks like nobody has the hack figured out for the 3.1 system just yet.



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As a follow up. We went and shopped and compared last night.


The Verizon WinMo devices were much nicer than I expected them to be. I particularly liked the HTC Touch Pro2. I really think that being a Techy that I would have had alot of fun with the WinMo machines and spent quite a bit of time dicking around with them.


However, my wife was the driving force behind the update / switch and the iPhone was soo much more user friendly and intuative for her that it was the clear winner hands down. We've been toying around with switching our cable and internet to AT&T for some time too based on their offerings and price and with the current promotions to switch everything our services came out to about a wash when you put everything together.


So I ended up with a 3GS iPhone. Ironically at one point today I already had a service issue and had to reboot the phone to get service back. Dunno what happened there.


I'd be interested in some of the jailbreak technology....but my phone is loaded with OS 3.1 already. Looks like nobody has the hack figured out for the 3.1 system just yet.




I was waiting for the TP2 also. It was just taking FOREVER to come out, and when I found out it still wouldn't ship with WinMo7... game over man!


I'm waiting for the 3gs 3.1 JB too. Come on guys...

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New fav app. "Mywi" Makes my iphone broadcast as a hotspot and I can connect to it from any PC over wireless and access the Internet using my iPhone's connection.


just got this today ill try it out later on at work with the lappy, found it on a site for free

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I think I just bricked my iPhone. Agh! I get to where it's perfect and I think i've seen it all...then I find stuff that amazes me and I must have..Well,


There's STILL no JB for the 3.1 3gs. GRRRRRR!


3.1 has been cracked. Just the OTB 3.1 phones are stuck right now.

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I think I just bricked my iPhone. Agh! I get to where it's perfect and I think i've seen it all...then I find stuff that amazes me and I must have..Well,




3.1 has been cracked. Just the OTB 3.1 phones are stuck right now.

QFT. :( I hope they find a way to JB 3.1 OTB or I am f*cked....

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As of a few hours ago...I am running 3.1 that's jailbroken. Whew!! I thought I bricked it. The Internet is better than sliced bread.



Edit: Anyone with a 3GS that's jailbroke on 3.0 or 3.01, I have a custom 3.1 ipsw that will allow you to have 3.1 running and still have jailbreak glory.

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So...to the iPhone people, how annoying is the shitty AT&T service.


Really my desire to move to a more capable phone is data and apps more than alot of the integrated technology for business (despite being in the IT field.). I think it makes more sense to go with the apple from that standpoint. Other than detailing stuff which I do all through web based mail I tend to like being able to leave work behind when I'm not there.



my work phone is the AT&T Bold and my personal is VZW Voyager.... I have the international plan on my Bold and hands down, my VZW gets better reception... I can't seem to ever have reliable coverage with my Bold.

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