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The Ego has Landed, World Rejects Obama: Chicago Out in First Round.


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And the 10 mill they already spend.


I am not here to argue if the wasted money. In a lot of people's eyes they did and I would say that is a fair assumption.


The thing I can't stand is this pure hate and wishing for failure so many are throwing out there. I guess maybe I was raised a bit different than some people but why would you wish the leader of your country to fail?


It is just very sad that our country has turned into such a pile of shit over the last 30+ years. Everybody wants the cheap,easy,quick fix. Nobody wants to work hard or be accountable for their actions just blame someone else, go online and bitch, go on your talk show and run your mouth type thing.


I like a good well thought out arguement not some of this crap that is out there. But that is just me.


Back to the hatefest

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I am not here to argue if the wasted money. In a lot of people's eyes they did and I would say that is a fair assumption.


The thing I can't stand is this pure hate and wishing for failure so many are throwing out there. I guess maybe I was raised a bit different than some people but why would you wish the leader of your country to fail?


It is just very sad that our country has turned into such a pile of shit over the last 30+ years. Everybody wants the cheap,easy,quick fix. Nobody wants to work hard or be accountable for their actions just blame someone else, go online and bitch, go on your talk show and run your mouth type thing.


I like a good well thought out arguement not some of this crap that is out there. But that is just me.


Back to the hatefest


+1 People on here may deny it, but most of it is racisim. Bottom line, if the guy was white the tone of people talking about him would be different. I love how people hide behind the political farce of his Liberalism. Yes I'm sure you hate him because your opinion is he is a liberal. :o Remeber there are other branches needed to get things done he is not a king.

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I am not here to argue if the wasted money. In a lot of people's eyes they did and I would say that is a fair assumption.


The thing I can't stand is this pure hate and wishing for failure so many are throwing out there. I guess maybe I was raised a bit different than some people but why would you wish the leader of your country to fail?


It is just very sad that our country has turned into such a pile of shit over the last 30+ years. Everybody wants the cheap,easy,quick fix. Nobody wants to work hard or be accountable for their actions just blame someone else, go online and bitch, go on your talk show and run your mouth type thing.


I like a good well thought out arguement not some of this crap that is out there. But that is just me.


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Really, man? Nobody wants him to fail as a person. His policies are just predestined to fail. Wasnt the stimulus supposed to cap unemployment at 8%? Do you really want govt run health care? Are you really cool with all corruption and spending? Did you know 46 of our servicemen and women have died since HIS general asked for more troops and he has done NOTHING!


I dont want him to fail...he just personifies fail.

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It is just very sad that our country has turned into such a pile of shit over the last 30+ years. Everybody wants the cheap,easy,quick fix


Why do you think there is no jobs? American business owners have found that robotics, automization and shipping jobs over seas is the cheap, easy fix.

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+1 People on here may deny it, but most of it is racisim. Bottom line, if the guy was white the tone of people talking about him would be different. I love how people hide behind the political farce of his Liberalism. Yes I'm sure you hate him because your opinion is he is a liberal. :o Remeber there are other branches needed to get things done he is not a king.


Haha...I agree with Michael Steele, JC Watts, and Carlton Banks...am I a racist?

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The thing I can't stand is this pure hate and wishing for failure so many are throwing out there. I guess maybe I was raised a bit different than some people but why would you wish the leader of your country to fail?


The problem lies within your own mentality, not Obama's opposition. You assume that the people who do not support him simply do it out of hate and that they do not have intelligent reasoning. Somewhat egocentric, actually. In fact, all of the opposition I saw in this thread was good, rationale reasoning, yet you dismissed it as hatred. Perhaps they do not have hatred, but you have blind-faith.


If I truly thought the President wanted to move towards socialized-democracy(this almost makes no sense) of course I'd want him to fail; would you rather him succeed?


It is just very sad that our country has turned into such a pile of shit over the last 30+ years. Everybody wants the cheap,easy,quick fix. Nobody wants to work hard or be accountable for their actions


So you voted for a President who would make those type of people's lifestyles even easier. :nono:

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I dont want obama to fail, i wish that he could have come in and tunred the country arround and I would have been proven wrong. The problem is, I have first hand knowledge of how corrupt chicago is and how much that it could hurt a city that is struggling. I dont feel that city as great as it is does not need the olympics.
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I am not here to argue if the wasted money. In a lot of people's eyes they did and I would say that is a fair assumption.


The thing I can't stand is this pure hate and wishing for failure so many are throwing out there. I guess maybe I was raised a bit different than some people but why would you wish the leader of your country to fail?


It is just very sad that our country has turned into such a pile of shit over the last 30+ years. Everybody wants the cheap,easy,quick fix. Nobody wants to work hard or be accountable for their actions just blame someone else, go online and bitch, go on your talk show and run your mouth type thing.


I like a good well thought out arguement not some of this crap that is out there. But that is just me.


Back to the hatefest



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Haha...I agree with Michael Steele, JC Watts, and Carlton Banks...am I a racist?


Beat me to the Michael Steele comment. SpaceGhost personified a liberal perfectly in that comment; if it's a liberal black person you oppose, it's simply racism. However, if you support a conservative black man, perhaps that black man is racist against himself?

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Really, man? Nobody wants him to fail as a person. His policies are just predestined to fail. Wasnt the stimulus supposed to cap unemployment at 8%? Do you really want govt run health care? Are you really cool with all corruption and spending? Did you know 46 of our servicemen and women have died since HIS general asked for more troops and he has done NOTHING!


I dont want him to fail...he just personifies fail.


Well there are some things that have not worked and you can't argue with facts. The only thing I guess is that nobody and I mean nobody really has any idea how, or when or what could pull us out of this.


Health Care should not be 100% govenerment but at the same time the private sector needs to get their shit together. Can the government force that who knows.


Why do you think there is no jobs? American business owners have found that robotics, automization and shipping jobs over seas is the cheap, easy fix.


What in the blue fuck? Dude it is a social commentary on the way this country is turning into a bunch of fat fucktards. Business owners are going to try and find ways to cut their costs that is business 101 and has nothing to do with the other issues.


Also please use correct engrish nextime.


+1 People on here may deny it, but most of it is racisim. Bottom line, if the guy was white the tone of people talking about him would be different. I love how people hide behind the political farce of his Liberalism. Yes I'm sure you hate him because your opinion is he is a liberal. :o Remeber there are other branches needed to get things done he is not a king.


I don't think it is racisim, just a bunch of people who like to run their mouth's.

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The problem lies within your own mentality, not Obama's opposition. You assume that the people who do not support him simply do it out of hate and that they do not have intelligent reasoning. Somewhat egocentric, actually. In fact, all of the opposition I saw in this thread was good, rationale reasoning, yet you dismissed it as hatred. Perhaps they do not have hatred, but you have blind-faith.


If I truly thought the President wanted to move towards socialized-democracy(this almost makes no sense) of course I'd want him to fail; would you rather him succeed?




So you voted for a President who would make those type of people's lifestyles even easier. :nono:


I really don't have blind faith in him, just hope that maybe he could make things better. I voted for the lesser of two evils in my mind. It was the first time I have ever voted for a democrat as well.


You could have the fuckin cookie monster running this place on the platform of fatchicks in party hats and I could careless.


There are some very good points being used here and it is nice to see these than the other trash I have seen.

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I don't think it is racisim, just a bunch of people who like to run their mouth's.


We agree but for different reasons. People are just sick and tired of being sick and tired with Washington.


Doesnt the hypocrisy get you at all? Tell me to conserve and do my part while they take TWO jets to Copenhagen? Tell me that no lobbyists will be in your adminstration while you employ Valerie Jarrett? (Google her) Tell me your going to be the most transparent administration while your party shoots down a provision to post the health care bill online 72 hours before a vote.


It just goes on and on, democrat or republican, people are just tired of it.

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Why is it that the President's supporters think that anytime there is opposition to Obama's decisions, that it's purely out of hatred for him or stubbornness to back someone they didn't vote for? Well, it's neither. Chicago is a corrupt hell-hole that I hate going to. I don't want that city representing the U.S.. Not to mention the financial burden YEARS from now.


Uh, you basically just used a lot of words to agree with me that Chicago had no chance. Then you went onto a separate tangent about opposition to his decisions which I spoke nothing about, so before calling me a moron you may want to comprehend what I actually said.


Here - I'll clarify it for you using a common, easy to understand old saying: The man is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't with people looking for a reason to damn. Clearer now?


So to summarize for you simple folk: Chicago had no chance. Obama chose to support the bid because if he didn't, he would be vilified. They lost, and while he's still vilified by most idiots who don't support him, it's much less so than if he hadn't done anything at all because those idiots would surely have included Democrats as well. He took the lesser of two evils.


As an aside, if Jesus himself reached down and changed the votes so Chicago won, you idiots would have found something else to bitch about Obama. Oh, I dunno, something kinda like...


I love how the 2016 Olympics would follow just months before Obama's second term ends(assuming he can win a second term), essentially boosting another Democratic bid for President.


Case in point "you idiots".

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I really don't have blind faith in him, just hope that maybe he could make things better. I voted for the lesser of two evils in my mind. It was the first time I have ever voted for a democrat as well.


You could have the fuckin cookie monster running this place on the platform of fatchicks in party hats and I could careless.


There are some very good points being used here and it is nice to see these than the other trash I have seen.


2 evils? wasnt there 11 canidates on our ballot?

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Fact: Mikehaze is in 100% of the threads that mention Obama. Everytime his name comes up he immediately jumps in the thread and starts debating against Obama supporters... no matter what the topic.


I mean damn, even Dr. Rick agrees with the other side from time to time.

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Uh, you basically just used a lot of words to agree with me that Chicago had no chance. Then you went onto a separate tangent about opposition to his decisions which I spoke nothing about, so before calling me a moron you may want to comprehend what I actually said.


Here - I'll clarify it for you using a common, easy to understand old saying: The man is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't with people looking for a reason to damn. Clearer now?


So to summarize for you simple folk: Chicago had no chance. Obama chose to support the bid because if he didn't, he would be vilified. They lost, and while he's still vilified by most idiots who don't support him, it's much less so than if he hadn't done anything at all because those idiots would surely have included Democrats as well. He took the lesser of two evils.


As an aside, if Jesus himself reached down and changed the votes so Chicago won, you idiots would have found something else to bitch about Obama. Oh, I dunno, something kinda like...




Case in point "you idiots".

I disagree with almost everything you've said, but I'm struggling to find enough elementary vocabulary to elaborate it for you.


Again, you attribute any Obama opposition to simply being hatred or idiocracy; perhaps you should reopen the Politics section so we can get this going. :D

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Ah yes I forgot I have been labeled as a "liberal" on here. I forgot. Yes you all know me like we have been friends for decades.


Not everyone is racist, but deep down some people are, that life. That is all I am saying. At least Daniel Carver is honest about why he hates him. :D

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