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The Ego has Landed, World Rejects Obama: Chicago Out in First Round.


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Fact: Mikehaze is in 100% of the threads that mention Obama. Everytime his name comes up he immediately jumps in the thread and starts debating against Obama supporters... no matter what the topic.


I mean damn, even Dr. Rick agrees with the other side from time to time.


Umm, I hate to expose your faulty common sense, but probably every politician-based thread has to do with Obama. I take particular interest in politics(hence my majors being Philosophy and Political Science) so it's not my fault that any Political thread has something to do with the Obamanator.

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Fact: Mikehaze is in 100% of the threads that mention Obama. Everytime his name comes up he immediately jumps in the thread and starts debating against Obama supporters... no matter what the topic.


I mean damn, even Dr. Rick agrees with the other side from time to time.


I guess I don't know why it's not ok to disagree?


When someone like Obama runs as a moderate and is being controlled by the left wing of his party, its pretty tough to find common ground.

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We agree but for different reasons. People are just sick and tired of being sick and tired with Washington.


Doesnt the hypocrisy get you at all? Tell me to conserve and do my part while they take TWO jets to Copenhagen? Tell me that no lobbyists will be in your adminstration while you employ Valerie Jarrett? (Google her) Tell me your going to be the most transparent administration while your party shoots down a provision to post the health care bill online 72 hours before a vote.


It just goes on and on, democrat or republican, people are just tired of it.


Yes it gets to me 100% and I am tired of it. The basic 2 party system does kind of suck but what can you do?


It is nice to see someone that looks at things a bit more objectively and sees the BS that both sides throw out there.


Maybe I shoudl run for office? The common man party lol. Who am I kidding? The fist time I told a lobbyist or some other person trying to make me a puppet to fuck off I would be done.

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I guess I don't know why it's not ok to disagree?


When someone like Obama runs as a moderate and is being controlled by the left wing of his party, its pretty tough to find common ground.


Clearly, you're racist and you just hate Obama.

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I guess I don't know why it's not ok to disagree?


When someone like Obama runs as a moderate and is being controlled by the left wing of his party, its pretty tough to find common ground.


All I see is a guy that likes to debate all political topics. I really dont think it would make a difference who is in office. The presidents name could be Joe Schmo and mikehaze would find a way to debate the issues at hand.

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Yes it gets to me 100% and I am tired of it. The basic 2 party system does kind of suck but what can you do?




Protest debates and ask for the other canidates, put a cap on canidate spending. I mean obama spent 800 mill to get a 400k a year job?? Inform young people of the other parties and canidates.

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I guess I don't know why it's not ok to disagree?


It's always okay to disagree.


The only people who have a problem being labeled idiots, at least in this situation, are the ones who should be labeled idiots. Idiots.

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All I see is a guy that likes to debate all political topics. I really dont think it would make a difference who is in office. The presidents name could be Joe Schmo and mikehaze would find a way to debate the issues at hand.


so you are saying he is a master debater?

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Protest debates and ask for the other canidates, put a cap on canidate spending. I mean obama spent 800 mill to get a 400k a year job?? Inform young people of the other parties and canidates.


Now this is what I like to see. A good reasonable answer that makes sense. I would hit you up for more +rep if I could.

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It's always okay to disagree.


The only people who have a problem being labeled idiots, at least in this situation, are the ones who should be labeled idiots. Idiots.


I see your point...all I would ask is that loud opposition not be labeled idiotic. :)


I hate to keep coming back to health care in an olympic thread, but you do realize that well under half of the people in this country support the reform in its current state.


What more can you do but to get loud and get angry when something is being attempted to be shoved down your throat?

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I see your point...all I would ask is that loud opposition not be labeled idiotic. :)


I hate to keep coming back to health care in an olympic thread, but you do realize that well under half of the people in this country support the reform in its current state.


What more can you do but to get loud and get angry when something is being attempted to be shoved down your throat?


Do you know what would make me take a bit more notice? Some real options presented to me in a manor that makes sense. Not some fat white woman screaming at some poor elected offical about how our president is from Kenya and death pannels.


Put someone on TV with some good solid facts. That is what needs to be done not this other BS coming from either side.


Hell dumb it down trailor park people of wallmart style, just do somethingother than what is being attempted.


Does that make sense?

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Do you know what would make me take a bit more notice? Some real options presented to me in a manor that makes sense. Not some fat white woman screaming at some poor elected offical about how our president is from Kenya and death pannels.


Put someone on TV with some good solid facts. That is what needs to be done not this other BS coming from either side.


Hell dumb it down trailor park people of wallmart style, just do somethingother than what is being attempted.


Does that make sense?


Total sense.


Lets start with a few ideas and see how they work. Why do we have to overhaul 1/7th of the ENTIRE ECONOMY???


One idea is to be able to buy insurance across state lines. Competition always lowers cost.

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Last fact of the day


FACT: Our country is run by idiots, that are followed by idiots, that are disliked by idiots, that are leading other idiots, that are all breeding more idiots, that will grow up to be idiots.


No doubt. The next question is, "Do I give up?"


My answer is no. How about yours?

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Put someone on TV with some good solid facts. That is what needs to be done not this other BS coming from either side.


TV stations are privately owned, they can and will hire anyone they want to get better ratings. Luckily for you and I, all of those "facts" are already out there, just not on television.

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Total sense.


Lets start with a few ideas and see how they work. Why do we have to overhaul 1/7th of the ENTIRE ECONOMY???


One idea is to be able to buy insurance across state lines. Competition always lowers cost.


Yes that and cut the freaking fraud! I have seen personally the fraud just here in the state of Ohio for foodstamp cards.


There needs to be some fear in this country again if you do something wrong you will get punished. I mean real punishment not a slap on the wrist and a pat on the head. We can save that one for later.


The government should not even have to mess with this, the private sector should be able to correct it on it's own but greed is a hellova drug.

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I love the term "idiots" because you see, to an idiot like mikehaze I'm an idiot. Even though he's really, actually the idiot. Get it, idiots?


...I am a self-proclaimed idiot. However, I fail to see the point you are trying to make.

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TV stations are privately owned, they can and will hire anyone they want to get better ratings. Luckily for you and I, all of those "facts" are already out there, just not on television.


Links? When I say TV I mean like a debate or maybe CSPAN and their one camera? I want to see one of these suits in DC with charts and fuckin graphs proving why their idea is better.


Hell make it a TV show on sunday maybe people will pay attention? Dumbass people like to see others try to be an overated fry cook right?

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SHHHHH stop saying things that make sense. All the cool kids want the president to fail!


No one wants him to fail, but himself with his ridiculous spending sprees and outrageous nominations.


Approval ratings.... lol


who has the George Bush "miss me yet" photo?

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good talk.


how's the back? :)


Better, but its messing up my goal to be able to bench 350 again by Christmas. I went on the Chris diet and am currently at 200lbs (sexy pics to come once I complete the 6 pack :cool: )


P.S. I can go off topic because this thread is about Obama and I'm half black.

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