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Big shot out to EARON STEWART,!!! Brandon Jizzle got tazzed?!...


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So last night went to a party on Otterbien campus, took the Beer rifle and met up with Zack with the black SS, Earon and Mopar.


We introduced everyone to the beer rifle and killed all the beer in the house.


Watched brandon dance and get rowdy.


I was out front bout to call a taxi and Earon showed up out of nowhere and gave me and the the girl a safe ride home in the murdered out GTO.


You would think this is a gay post but it saved me 5k in lawyer fees and a DUI thanks buddy.






Did brandon get arrested and Tazzed after I left?

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So last night went to a party on Otterbien campus, took the Beer rifle and met up with Zack with the black SS, Earon and Mopar.


We introduced everyone to the beer rifle and killed all the beer in the house.


Watched brandon dance and get rowdy.


I was out front bout to call a taxi and Earon showed up out of nowhere and gave me and the the girl a safe ride home in the murdered out GTO.


You would think this is a gay post but it saved me 5k in lawyer fees and a DUI thanks buddy.






Did brandon get arrested and Tazzed after I left?


No Idea I left, and woke up to a drunk txt from Zack saying he just got tazzed...


im sure it was somthing retarded. I cant get ahold of him i wannna make sure hes alright.


wow wow wow three things wrong with this... It's Zach with an H not a K. No long have the black ss :/ and I did not start the rumor that he got tazed! lol.


Long story short we went to another party within walking distance. Fight broke out with Brandons girl and some other girl. Then Brandon and some other dude started getting rowdy. Everyone went outside then westerville cops came. Brandon was on the porch pissed off looking and cops shined the flashlight on him and Brandon started to run but fell. Then like 7 cops jumped on Brandon. And Mopar almost got tazed for trying to get Katy away from Brandon.


Overall I give the night a 8/10 for sexy girls, dancing with girls, drinking lots of beer with your buddys and drama.

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sooo what happen with brandon an the cops?


IDK they told people to leave or they will get tazzed so me and Mopar left. We could hear Brandon yelling half way down the street... "I didn't do anything... Don't kick me..."


I texted him today asking if he was in jail :o

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Fuck you tyler!


And i have a bruised rib a concosion(?) bruised hip cut along the bottom of my chin, cuts on my head and dig marks from the cuffs being so tight on my right hand. Im sooo pissed i got my assed kicked by the cops cause they thought i hit my GF WRONG! They said i was resisting arrest, but later said i was fully corapative(?) I blacked out a couple times im having memory lose, Im all fucked! My Friend cort says she knows a good lawyer but im gonna make a thread for some legal help.

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