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Halo 3/ODST cash tournaments


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So Z06G, myself, and our friends of ours are convinced we are the most epic team this side of the Mississippi. We invite any four-five man team to play us via xbox live. This is not just a cr invite, if you have any friends refer them as well.


$20-$50 games wired via paypal are acceptable


You can contact us for an improv gambling on live by:




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I am scared and not talented enough to use a computer blah blah blah




I have a 360 I cant justify buying a game that is outdated in 2 months and paying to use a online service that is inferior to every current cpu fps system made.


Challenge is still there. If you 5 of you can beat me on 1 cpu fps I would be impressed.

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Did I hear a Combat Arms challenge?


no you didnt. this is a called out for halo on the xbox 360.


not computer

not combat arms blah blah blah


with that being said miller ill rent the game one of these days an get on an play with ya. goodluck luck with ur challenge

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You're all faggots. Michael, I'll find you tonight and pwn you. Ramsey, see if he is intersted. The rest of you, sit and twist.


Oh and Trowa yes my NAT settings are now open.



Ill play just you



and I am STILL trying to get my router setup right


my wife just bought me this game. is it worth playing?? my screenname is 'the grand chump' (don't ask). i mostly just play halo3 when i get time.


Ill add you later today

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