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Gun fight in Toledo caught on tape...


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Whatever the argument was over you can rest assured, it was totally worth it.


Bwhahahaahah. :lol:



It looked like they were in more danger of getting hit with "friendly" fire then getting hit by one of the people they were fighting with. And yeah, there had to of been at least 15-20 shots in a small enclosed environment and not a single person was hit.

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It looked like they were in more danger of getting hit with "friendly" fire then getting hit by one of the people they were fighting with. And yeah, there had to of been at least 15-20 shots in a small enclosed environment and not a single person was hit.



LMAO ahahahahhahahahah!!!

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I whish that shit would pop of in a area of town with white folks armed to the teeth! They are shooting all crazy while whitey is taking slow aimed shots... bet you none of them knew how to reload either!



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