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Paranormal Movie?


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I just read a article about this movie on CNN. They say it's real good for a low budget film. I'm going to have to check it out.


I would hope so considering it's grossed over a million $$$ and was made off of only ~$15k.


A friend of mine saw it and said it has one of those "creepy vibes" to it, i.e. Blair Witch. He said there's not a whole lot to it, just some cheap effects. However, he said the following evenings while lying in his bed, he kept freaking himself out because of this movie.

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Guest tbutera2112
It's playing at Easton.


Seems like every other scary movie there is out there, they all use the same tactics. Walk around in the dark then BAM. Someone grabs you and throws you.


oh wow...i looked this movie up about a month ago and there was no showing aside from at some theatre i never heard of, on 3 nights i had plans lol

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I saw it a few weeks ago. It's been in Columbus for over a month now. Prior to showing at Easton it was only shown at Studio 35 in Clintonville and the only time it was playing was 12:00am. The first week I went it was sold out and the line was literally 2 blocks long. I went back the 2nd week and actually got tickets and got to watch it. I went with 7 other people and not to kill the “buzz” but me and 6 of the other 7 thought it was fucking stupid, like leave early kind of stupid. It is what it is I guess. It’s a low budget movie, I thought if the acting were better it could have been scary but every time the girl spoke it seemed so fake I just couldn’t get into the movie.
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I saw it last thursday at Lennox (midnight) and saw it with a group of people. I never saw the trailer or knew anything about it until about an hour before leaving. If I had seen the trailer, the movie wouldn't have been good at all to me.


I actually thought the acting in it was pretty good and they seemed like a legitimate couple. I don't believe in spirits haunting homes and people or anything, but it was good to see another movie that scared me like the Exorcist. I was a little disappointed the night I saw it because I wasn't scared when I got home, but the next night, I was scared of the dark like I was 9 years old again. Some parts in the movie just freak me the fuck out every once in a while. The sounds and knowing it's a force that you can't physically stop were the worst


And to add, I thought a good part of the dialogue was pretty funny.


What would be ideal: Don't watch any trailers for it, don't build it up into a gorefest, try and see it when the theater isn't sold out, go alone.

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