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Snow Plowers

Radio Flyer1647545514

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Is it worth it to buy a POS truck that you can plow in?

Say you buy a 1500 dollar truck.


How much are you looking at for supplies to get it ready to go.


How much do you make out at the end of snow fall season compared to what you would be spending?


Is the work real hard or just long?

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I searched the web and many local listings for a month or more trying to find a plow for my truck. Or even getting a new truck and plow. It will cost you a good deal more than $2k if you want something worth doing commercial plowing in. I was so stoked about getting contracts this season and putting money back, but it was just too much for me to handle right now. My problem was that my truck was too small for commercial yet I couldn't afford a nice truck along with all the options i needed to plow. Im still thinking about getting a loan on one though and then hopefully paying off with my profits?


good luck on your search, but be prepared to pay more for what you need. Winter is coming fast and there are alot more people trying to do the same thing.

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Snow plows in Columbus aren't very big business. If you are willing to spend some time driving to get it here, look in Duluth Minnesota. Much larger number of vehicles with plows on them.


If you buy a beater truck to plow with, I predict a very short plowing season for you. You will be working on it more than pushing snow with it.

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  Flybye said:
I searched the web and many local listings for a month or more trying to find a plow for my truck. Or even getting a new truck and plow. It will cost you a good deal more than $2k if you want something worth doing commercial plowing in.




For instance, plows/spreaders worth a damn (example Blizzard or Boss)

Plow (7ft straight blade) $5K+

Spreader- $1,500+


How ever many TONS of salt you will need.

Wear and Tear on the truck itself.

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I know a few people that started plowing and most of them made a killing. Enough where they didnt have to work the rest of the year but they had brand new trucks with brand new plows and I am sure they fell in to some pretty good contracts. And they would work like 48 hrs straight on several occasions. From what they have all told me " being first is where you make your money".
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you have to have a truck in very good shape. think about it your giving it hell in 20ft or so lengths of parking lot. so the rad and fan have to be up to the par, also the trans has to nice also. drive- reverse all day long does numbers on things in the tranny. ive seen plenty of plow truck with tranny fluid fires. im doing plowing this year but with my quad, which is a 09 honda. so hopefully i wont have any problems with smaller sized parking lots and sidewalks.
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  Akula said:
Snow plows in Columbus aren't very big business. If you are willing to spend some time driving to get it here, look in Duluth Minnesota. Much larger number of vehicles with plows on them.




u obviously dont know what your talking about....plus the moneys in the salt anyways;)

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Having a lawn/landscape business myself and plowing snow for the first 15 years it all depends on what kind of contracts you have and if you have old equipment be ready to have some headaches. It is a big responsibility. This brings back a lot of memories of when I first started my business with an old 79 chevy and working on it in the middle of the night with snow coming down. If your not afraid of hard work ,long hours,and a sore back and neck go for it. If it is a good snow season you will make good money. Just dont buy a an old junker you will regret it.
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  tbutera2112 said:
buy 2k truck with plow already attached?


Good luck finding one of those. Any truck that is under 5k is gonna be beat up really bad. Snow plowing is super hard on trucks. The front ends get wore out very fast. If you buy a 1500$ truck and plow with it, if you got enough accounts then you could pay it off and make some extra cash easily in a winter. I wouldnt do it cause you will be spending tons on keeping it running.

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  24/seven said:
u obviously dont know what your talking about....plus the moneys in the salt anyways;)


I wasn't saying that snow plowing doesn't make good money, I said snow plows. I have never seen a fischer dealer here, in Minnesota they are pretty much everywhere.

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