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Sabotaging a friends facebook account....


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Don't be a dick. You may piss the wrong person off and ruin a friendship for ever, as well as maybe ruin some of his friendships with others...


People used to say "Its just the internet"...but thats not really the case anymore, is it? People have lost boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives over it, people have gone into severe depression over it, and people have even killed others and themselves over it. Don't risk it, especially if this person is a friend.

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My roommates and I all had to make an agreement sophomore year not to fuck with eachothers Facebooks. Shit gets out of hand.



This. Regardless what folks think about social networks, some people actually keep some very personal or business-related contacts/relationships on them. That could turn pretty shitty, out of nowhere.


needs more graph



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