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IT Jobs Available


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Hey guys,


I am a consultant for Dedicated Technologies Inc, a consulting firm here in Columbus. I know what you're thinking, "ew, contract jobs." ...well, not exactly. DTI hires full time and then contracts you out to places like Nationwide, BMW, and quite a few more. So you get benefits, salary, and best of all, JOB SECURITY in the form of "bench" time. Bench time is basically where your contract ends with a client and you just work directly for DTI in their office until you get another contract.


They have positions right now for lots of .NET, Java, network admins...and pretty much every other type of techy job you can think of. Monetarily speaking, this is worth it. I'm making roughly 30% more than I was making at my last "traditional" full time job. If you don't believe me I'll prove it to you (via PM, not publicly).


My general manager asked me to reach out to my IT buddies, but most of my friends are car guys or musicians (all non-IT), so I thought maybe someone here might be interested.


ANYWAY, I'll stop rambling. Let me know if you are interested. I can get you more details and/or get you in contact with some recruiters.

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Nope, sorry...we are strictly IT. I think it's because Columbus is a popular IT city.


Not related to Technisource. Our owner is Jeff Dalton and we are a privately-owned/operated company with no DBAs or partnership companies (aside from a small spin-off, still called "Dedicated Consulting" or something like that).

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  BIGGU said:
Hit me up with some info, Graduating from DeVry on the 25th with my Bachelors in Network Communication Management, City is toying around moving me to full time so im looking to find a better job.


Are you main or north campus?

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I've got Systems experience in large networks. I was just downsized from time Warner as a Systems Engineer in there midwest datacenter.


I've also done quite a bit of consulting on the side. Mostly security audits and best practices.

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