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ccw story!


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I think a good choice was made there.


I have never pulled it, but one night I thought I was gonna have to. Hanging at 711 one night and started home on bikes. Wife pulls up beside me and says "I need gas". Just before we started to get on 71N from 11th. I asked how long her light had been on and she said a long time..."I forgot". I said OK, lets just keep up 11th to Cleveland, go left and there is a Sunoco up there...What a bad idea. I'm pumping her gas and thugs came from no where. Came over and kinda surrounded her/us. She was positioned where she could not back her bike up, so I needed to get off mine to push her back. They started talking reckless and was in our personal space. I thought that was going to be the night.


Finish the rest of the story......

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The only involvement I would have had would have been calling the police.


As much as I would love to have helped the girl out if I was in that guy's position, the justice system in this country is just too fucked up for me to put my ass on the line. Sounds shitty, but sadly, that's the way it's become.


I'll cover my ass, you cover yours. :/

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How did it end? Did you just push her bike back and leave or what?


I got her backed up and told her to go. I stayed off mine making sure she got outta there. I jumped on mine and took off. They were looking for trouble for sure. Would have been a bad night for one maybe a few of them.



The only involvement I would have had would have been calling the police.


As much as I would love to have helped the girl out if I was in that guy's position, the justice system in this country is just too fucked up for me to put my ass on the line. Sounds shitty, but sadly, that's the way it's become.


I'll cover my ass, you cover yours. :/


I was told this in my CCW class. He told us you could be at a bar with a friend and he starts getting his ass kicked...as long as YOU'RE not in danger...You better leave it holstered. Calling the cops would have been the best move or a group of guys go kick his ass.

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so as some of you know, my step dad is the manager at Otooles on W. Broad St. and saturday night as they were closing up, there was a group of guys that stumbled out of Front Row a couple doors down. i guess they were making so much ruckus Stacey started watching them and he said some girl pulled up to pick them up and one of the guys pulled her outta the car and started beating the shit outta her. he said the girl was like 120lbs and the dude was like 300lbs.. said he picked her up, slammed her down, punching and kicking her.. so Stacey called the police and got a couple of the guys that were there to come out and help stop this guy and i guess this big guy started to come toward Stacey. well Stacey carries a 9mm haha... he said the guy wouldnt stop coming toward him so he pulled it out and pointed it right at him... the guy stopped! and then the cops showed up, took the bad guy to jail...


i asked him if he would have shot him... he said yep.. two to the chest, but he didnt wanna deal with the paper work haha.



so anyone here that has a ccw ever have to pull it out like that??



Yes. I don't want to elaborate on the internet, though. People wanting details are welcome to PM me.

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The only involvement I would have had would have been calling the police.


As much as I would love to have helped the girl out if I was in that guy's position, the justice system in this country is just too fucked up for me to put my ass on the line. Sounds shitty, but sadly, that's the way it's become.


I'll cover my ass, you cover yours. :/



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Good deeds rarely go unpunished. Ever hear that before?


Perfect example being what sciongirl posted. Stacey calling the cops was the best idea he had, and should have stopped there. Taking "a group of guys" to help this girl now makes them the aggressor to the people beating the girl. He's lucky he didn't shoot the guy, as the prosecutor/defense attorney for the guy beating the girl would have a field day with that one.



Sadly, thats the way it usually turns out too. One, or a group of guys, go to help, situation snow balls out of control, and they are now responsible for elevating the situation to use of deadly force.


Aside from the fact that just because someone who is 300lbs is "coming" at you, in no way justifies the use of deadly force yet.



I think Stacey was lucky that the Cops recognized the real situation. Other states/cities he wouldn't be so lucky.


He should have called the cops and watched what took place from inside through his window so he could fill out a full report.

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Exactly, if you feel that someone else's life is in danger you can use lethal force just as you would for yourself. You have no duty to retreat if they cannot retreat themselves.


In some places, it's actually against the law if you do not help someone in need. Now, i don't the specifics concerning CCW and related, though.

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