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weird looking spiders?


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anyone else noticing some weird ones this year? normally around my house we just get the average wolf spiders and just some decent size ugly brown ones to. But this year ive noticed some weird/ugly little bastards lol. i didnt get any pics yet due to smashing it, but ive killed about 5 of these things in the past month. they are mostly black/clearish with red and some white spots some times. anyone seen these or have any idea what they are?
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Hmm, hard to tell with just that description. I think the early cold has thrown off some bug populations. I've been making some slightly out of the ordinary bug observations, not always odd or rare bugs, but odd for their locations and/or time of the year. Try to get a pic or maybe a little better description. Size, what are the spots shaped like and their location? Hairy or smooth, etc. Heavy bodied runner like wolf spiders or a web builder?


Offhand, 2 common specie of spider pop into mind. A type of jumping spider or species of widow. (Not all widows are black with a red hourglass, there are many kinds.)

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well i just killed another one with some bug spray so ill get pics as soon as i can find my moms camera lol. As for description, with legs spread out, id say its bigger than a 50 cent piece, but the body is maybe a little bigger than a quarter. Its legs are like a clearish tan color with black spots on them. The rest of the body is primarily black with some red mixed in, and it has 2 white spots on its abdomen.
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Guest tbutera2112
i keep having these spiders that that are bigger thena quarter an every time i get close to them they sprint twords me wtf?? lol


i just pictured you running away screaming as a tiny spider chased you

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Spiders are smart. I have a major spider problem at my front door. I keep my coach light on at night and they build their webs all around it. The bugs that are attracted to the light become part of an all u can eat buffet for my spider friends... I love to watch...
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anyone else having issues with lady bugs? my bedroom window is covered in them.


Do you have ones with a RED shell, or the ones with a metallic-ish orange shell? The red ones are the native ones, they are good and nothing to worry about. Scoop them off and relocate them to a sunny part of the house outside.


If they are the orange ones, scoosh away with no delay! They are Asian Ladybugs, a non-native species, and can be a problem. Fuckers bite too, and they STINK.

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If you think your spiders are bad, try living in Oklahoma for a day or two. I havent seen one smaller than a quarter since I've been here. There was a huge one on my back porch a few weeks ago, about as big as the ball of my foot, I know because the legs were still sticking out when I stomped him. I've seen a few black widows and brown recluses too.
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Yeah, I've seen tons of ladybugs all over the place the past few days. And there were 2-3 cars in the Wendy's drive thru the other day that were being attacked by bees. Including mine. That was real fun. Sitting there ordering hoping you don't get stung by a bee and scream like a little girl as you order.
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anyone else having issues with lady bugs? my bedroom window is covered in them.

That time of the year, I guess. Like that everywhere.





Yeah, I've seen tons of ladybugs all over the place the past few days. And there were 2-3 cars in the Wendy's drive thru the other day that were being attacked by bees. Including mine. That was real fun. Sitting there ordering hoping you don't get stung by a bee and scream like a little girl as you order.

The wasps, etc are getting bad lately, too. We've experienced similar problems. Again, this early cold has thrown them all off and they're either searching like hell for a warm place or they're late on breeding/new queen arrivals and are looking like hell for a warm place. They're especially agressive and protective when stressed or on the move.


STILL WAITING FOR SPIDER PICS! I love seeing them, well, of any bugs, actually.

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