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PS3 Gamer Tags


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  DrinkItDown said:
A $30 card, once a year, is nickle and diming?

no blu-ray, headsets cost extra where as my cell phone bluetooth headset can be paired and ready to go, ps3 online play is free no monthly/yearly fee, I just didn't like the xbox system period g/f has a wii right now that i don't like either but if you like the 360 then good for you to each his own, i never said anything bad about people that play them except paul :D

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  SinisterSS said:
no blu-ray, headsets cost extra where as my cell phone bluetooth headset can be paired and ready to go, ps3 online play is free no monthly/yearly fee, I just didn't like the xbox system period g/f has a wii right now that i don't like either but if you like the 360 then good for you to each his own, i never said anything bad about people that play them except paul :D


head set was free with the game ....

oo u can use ur blue tooth..but u spent money to get that bluetooth headset ZING!

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  SinisterSS said:
i bought it for my cell phone looooooong before i bought my ps3, douchebag!


true for your cell phone sooo you WOULD of had to buy a headset for your ps3.... cause i dont belive your bluetooth headset for your cell phone came with your ps3... so

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  SinisterSS said:
no blu-ray, headsets cost extra where as my cell phone bluetooth headset can be paired and ready to go, ps3 online play is free no monthly/yearly fee, I just didn't like the xbox system period g/f has a wii right now that i don't like either but if you like the 360 then good for you to each his own, i never said anything bad about people that play them except paul :D


Dont forget the batteries for the controllers

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  cred05 said:
Dont forget the batteries for the controllers


an you wouldnt need batteries for a wireless ps3 controller? what do they run on hopes an dreams( f&f yoo)? btw they also make corded 360 remotes bbammm so lets see here


the x box comes with a headset check

the ps3 sounds like it doesnt come with one check

the xbox WIRELESS remotes take batteris thats a given check

sounds liek the ps3 controllers come with cords lameee check ?

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  04SRTurbo said:
an you wouldnt need batteries for a wireless ps3 controller? what do they run on hopes an dreams( f&f yoo)? btw they also make corded 360 remotes bbammm so lets see here


the x box comes with a headset check

the ps3 sounds like it doesnt come with one check

the xbox WIRELESS remotes take batteris thats a given check

sounds liek the ps3 controllers come with cords lameee check ?


Rechargeable fool!


Just plug it into any USB port.



I'm adding all you people on here I dont already have added.

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  04SRTurbo said:
an you wouldnt need batteries for a wireless ps3 controller? what do they run on hopes an dreams( f&f yoo)? btw they also make corded 360 remotes bbammm so lets see here


the x box comes with a headset check

the ps3 sounds like it doesnt come with one check

the xbox WIRELESS remotes take batteris thats a given check

sounds liek the ps3 controllers come with cords lameee check ?

Xbox= NO blu-ray in fact xbox doesn't even play DVD's

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the story of shit60. Do you want to play the game you got in a month after getting it? Do you want to use wifi? you want to play but no money for online? all thats right. Can't play your game in a month rrod lol. wifi you got 100 bucks for the wifi thing lol. Online you got 48 bucks for shitty ass live lol. I had a shit60 they suck don't look as good and dosnt even come close to running as smooth on games. PS3 is the King
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If you actually get all fanboyish about a video game system, you are officially retarded. They both do some things well, and both have some fantastic games(Uncharted 2 is fucking amazing, by the way). Trying to assign value to one over the other, to validate ones own choice is so ludicrous, I can't even begin to fathom it.


The systems are so close in terms of actual, usable processing/graphical power that comparison pics/vids become near pointless. Whoopety crap, the PS3 can do more floating point operations, and the 360 has double the memory bandwidth.


Yes you pay for Live service, its also heads and shoulders above Sony's offering, which you can't really complain about because its free. Live offers the more user-friendly experience, better messaging, better partying, and general ease of getting a game started. Sure, I would prefer it be free, but I have no issues affording the 50 bucks a year(30 if you know where to look).


The only palpable knock against the 360 is the god-awful RROD, which would be compounded infinitely if a solid warranty wasn't offered. Microsoft extended the warranty to 3 years to cover RROD, so even though its a pain in the ass when if/when it happens, you're not just screwed. Which is more than I can say about plenty of other video game systems I've owned (PS1 wouldn't work unless it was sitting up sideways, Xbox DVD drive failed but I installed another, PS2 DVD drive failed twice, and I never bought a third).

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this thread is about ps3 gamertags, if you dont want to share yours, or dont own a ps3 gtfo.


Everyone knows the ps3 is superior, your broke ass couldnt afford the ps3 when it came out, so you had to settle with a 360, now your sour about.

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  cred05 said:
this thread is about ps3 gamertags, if you dont want to share yours, or dont own a ps3 gtfo.


Everyone knows the ps3 is superior, your broke ass couldnt afford the ps3 when it came out, so you had to settle with a 360, now your sour about.


It's true, looks like he got me added, see you on there hit-. My PS3 also doubles as a space heater.

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  j_claytor said:
the story of shit60. Do you want to play the game you got in a month after getting it? Do you want to use wifi? you want to play but no money for online? all thats right. Can't play your game in a month rrod lol. wifi you got 100 bucks for the wifi thing lol. Online you got 48 bucks for shitty ass live lol. I had a shit60 they suck don't look as good and dosnt even come close to running as smooth on games. PS3 is the King


*cough* You realize, that both machines run on almost identical processors, right? Look it up sometime, the story is actually pretty funny. The GPUs are very close, also.

Edited by Rally Pat
mixed up some info
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