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stress - ulcers?

Guest tbutera2112

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shoulda figured CR wasnt mature enough to ask here


thanks for all the advice though, i think ill cut back from 10 dicks to 5 dicks per hour



You honestly didnt expect most people to sympathise with you when it comes to stress did you:confused:, and in reference to your message I am not stressed out a single bit, nor do I ever really get stressed out. Now with that being said I CAN take you over to my neighbors whos wife just passed away from cancer, a mortgage to pay, small children ect..... Stress is only relative to those you ask and since alot of people on here have mortgages, kids, are losing jobs, having hrs cut back, wondering how bills are going to be payed, wondering what tomorrow brings for a family, it is relative when being asked by a 19 year old who still lives at home. You cant be surprised when theres not alot of compassion. Your priorities and opinions on things such as stress will change as you get older and start things like a family. You will look back on this time like "holy shit life was easy". But as stated in my reply, dont get your panties in a bunch:cool:

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Guest tbutera2112
You honestly didnt expect most people to sympathise with you when it comes to stress did you:confused:, and in reference to your message I am not stressed out a single bit, nor do I ever really get stressed out. Now with that being said I CAN take you over to my neighbors whos wife just passed away from cancer, a mortgage to pay, small children ect..... Stress is only relative to those you ask and since alot of people on here have mortgages, kids, are losing jobs, having hrs cut back, wondering how bills are going to be payed, wondering what tomorrow brings for a family, it is relative when being asked by a 19 year old who still lives at home. You cant be surprised when theres not alot of compassion. Your priorities and opinions on things such as stress will change as you get older and start things like a family. You will look back on this time like "holy shit life was easy". But as stated in my reply, dont get your panties in a bunch:cool:


youre not even understanding what i said


i did not ask anyone for sympathy about anything, nowhere did i say i am more stressed than anyone else either


i asked if anyone had advice on how to get rid of ulcers...thats it


and really...you dont know my financial situation...im very close to being homeless and living in my car, but really its none of yours or anyone elses business


this wasnt a "omg im so stressed please help me out" post, it was "im having issues with ulcers, does anybody know a way to help get rid of them"


learn some reading comprehension and stop trying to be almighty and full of wisdom, when in reality youre just full of shit


everyone on this forum has it easy compared to some people in this world, even your neighbor has it easy compared to some


im not stupid and immature enough to actually believe i am in a bad spot, but relative to my daily life and what im used to, i have had some issues lately that have me stressed and caused a couple ulcers to develop


im not into a penis swinging match with you or anybody else about having it rough, because i know i dont, and i NEVER said that i did


if you had bothered to read my original post you would have realized it was NOT about my being stressed, it was about me having ulcers and asking if anybody else who has had one has any advice to getting rid of it

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if you had bothered to read my original post you would have realized it was NOT about my being stressed, it was about me having ulcers and asking if anybody else who has had one has any advice to getting rid of it


Well you edited your original post before I could read it, but I still stand behind what I've already said. Diet change fixes your stomach, I went through it myself at your age. Turns out a couple 20 oz bottles of mountain dew every day was a bad thing.

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Guest tbutera2112
Well you edited your original post before I could read it, but I still stand behind what I've already said. Diet change fixes your stomach, I went through it myself at your age. Turns out a couple 20 oz bottles of mountain dew every day was a bad thing.


thats the general thing ive been hearing from people on a different forum


i was on a pretty strict diet for a little bit and it cleared up a lot of issues...ive kinda slipped off of it lately, and i think that may be another issue....im having a lot of sinus drainage right now from a sinus infection, and its getting worse...so im thinking my sinuses are agravating the ulcers... im going to avoid pop and a few other things ive been warned against and see if they go away


is there any way to permanently get rid of them? or are they always going to be here and just go away until aggravted?


oh yea, the ulcers i have are in the back of my throat not my stomach, but ive heard the same thing fixes them....my doctor prescribed a stomach ulcer medication and says to gargle it before meals...it doesnt make them go away, just coats them to protect them from further agitation

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I'm no expert but try this. Its what I do around sinus infection season to help prevent myself from getting strept.


Cut back on things high in acid

Stay away from spicey foods

Drink more water

Get more excercise to help promote a healthier body to aid in repairing yourself faster.

Use a humidifier

Take baths 3 times a week. Once or twice a week use bath soap like vaporub or what ever the hell it is to help with drainage


Basically, clean yourself out a few times a week from head to toe and you'll be a lot happier and it will help your body deal with stress better as well.

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Guest tbutera2112
I'm no expert but try this. Its what I do around sinus infection season to help prevent myself from getting strept.


Cut back on things high in acid

Stay away from spicey foods

Drink more water

Get more excercise to help promote a healthier body to aid in repairing yourself faster.

Use a humidifier

Take baths 3 times a week. Once or twice a week use bath soap like vaporub or what ever the hell it is to help with drainage


Basically, clean yourself out a few times a week from head to toe and you'll be a lot happier and it will help your body deal with stress better as well.


do you think the sinus infections could be a direct causer of the ulcers? it always seems like i get the ulcers then the sinus problems, but my family has always had chronic sinus problems

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Guest tbutera2112
Not sure, but sinus cavities hold a lot of bacteria. If you have acid reflux and the lining of your throat is already irritated it may be a possibility. Best bet would be to see an ear nose and throat specialist.


any reccomendations for a doctor to see?

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Wow what an internet tough guy tyler is trying to be today. My response was based on your first post which inadvertantly has been edited, did you already forget what you wrote in that first post? If you want to try and be an internet hard ass, than please dont try and be cool with me the next time we see each other. I was making a simple remark to your original post from one friend to another and then you want to try and be a badass with your message and subsequant reply in this thread. I am not gonna thread shit but you trying to be a dick doesnt work for me so care to continue this please pm me and we can go from there.
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Guest tbutera2112
Wow what an internet tough guy tyler is trying to be today. My response was based on your first post which inadvertantly has been edited, did you already forget what you wrote in that first post? If you want to try and be an internet hard ass, than please dont try and be cool with me the next time we see each other. I was making a simple remark to your original post from one friend to another and then you want to try and be a badass with your message and subsequant reply in this thread. I am not gonna thread shit but you trying to be a dick doesnt work for me so care to continue this please pm me and we can go from there.



im the one getting my panties in a bunch? im the internet hardass? lmfao youre the one talking about taking it outside of CR...get a fucking life, and no i didnt forget my original post...here it is


whenever i get really stressed out i develop ulcers in the back of my throat


ive been doing some research online about how to get rid of them and it kinda seems like they never go away


is there any way to ease the pain? im usually doing alright, but ive had a lot going on lately between my job screwing me out of money, my car breaking, and the whole fiasco with my girl getting a car... ive gotten a couple break out...it hurts to talk, eat, breathe, everything...


i went to see my doctor about it before (couple months ago), and he said that the ulcers originated from drainage i had from a serious ear infection


are ulcers something that just go away temporarily? or is there a way to beat them?


he prescribed a pill to me for stomach ulcers, its a tablet you dissolve in water and drink...he told me to gargle it before every meal, but theyre so gross...and they dont help really...


anyone else have ulcer issues and know of anythign that helps sooth them?


orajel or something maybe?


the pills im on are called .. sucralfate (generic for carafate)



now please, show me where in that post i mentioned that i have it worse than anyone else? or that i have a hard life etc?


if you seriously read that post and all you get is me trying to get sympathy from people, i pity you for being a damned idiot


if you wanna get all pissy and not be cool in person over some dumb shit, then thats fine...im not the kinda person who is gonna cry or even give a fuck if someone from here doesnt like me, in person or on the internet...ide tell you the same thing to your face, you got a problem with it then i really do not care

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I just had a bleeding ulcer a few months ago and had to spend a week in the hospital. I bled out a 1/4 of my blood and then shit it all out. I know pretty disgusting. I thought I was dying. It was some of the worst pain I have ever had. I didnt feel good for a couple of days, but wasnt sure what was wrong. Then it hit me at work and I had the worst case of solid black diareaha and I had to leave. Tried to go home and sleep it off and the wife made me go to the ER because I was so white from losing so much blood. Anyways after speaking with the Gastroenterologist's, they said that most of what you hear about ulcers is false. 99% of the time they are caused by a bacteria called H.Pylori. However things like stress and pop and spicy foods can aggravate an already existing ulcer, none of that stuff causes them.
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Guest tbutera2112
hmm...thats interesting...so i guess perhaps it was the sinus infection that has been making it worse... i dont think mine is bleeding or i would taste it since its in my throat....i got a light and camera back there and took a pic so i could see it and its blood red, but i dont believe its bleeding at all...probably different because mines in my throat and not my stomach... do you know of anything OTC to take to fight the bacteria? i need to find a throat/ear/nose doctor like brian suggested
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Guest tbutera2112
keep your head up tyler. dont let these guys get to you.


lol theyre not man... like i said before, i know i have it a lot better than a lot of people in the world...but that doesnt mean i have no right to ask about how to get rid of throat pain...everytime i inhale or swallow or anything it feels like im being stabbed in the throat by something


and yes jason, i realize that theres people with oral cancer out there and that i dont know what real throat pain feels like yet

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Your the asshole who sent me a message stating "I know people wayyyyyyyyyyyy worse than you" or some stupid shit. Take shit off cr? Get real I certainly dont need to take anything off here. Do you honestly think I have ever been afraid to say something on this board, I dont speak in riddles. Get real. I merely stated if you wanted to continue this discussion to pm me and we could discuss it so were not acting like 12 year olds on the internet. Damned idiot huh, interesting. I'll remember that. You telling me to get a life is the most entertaining part of this thread. Mods I am not trying to thread shit but if this douche canoe keeps baiting me, then what the fuck?
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I'm no expert but try this. Its what I do around sinus infection season to help prevent myself from getting strept.


Cut back on things high in acid

Stay away from spicey foods

Drink more water

Get more excercise to help promote a healthier body to aid in repairing yourself faster.

Use a humidifier

Take baths 3 times a week. Once or twice a week use bath soap like vaporub or what ever the hell it is to help with drainage


Basically, clean yourself out a few times a week from head to toe and you'll be a lot happier and it will help your body deal with stress better as well.


some good advice here. stay away from alcohol and caffeine. eat smaller meals. don't eat or drink anything after 7pm. limit carbonated beverages. while you're waiting for these changes to have an effect, go to sam's and buy a large supply of prilosec.

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